Sunday, March 2, 2014

Rome’s Coup d’etat over the “Accursed” United States of America

Rome’s Coup d’etat over the “Accursed” United States of America

March 9, 1933

Commander in chief Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Military Conqueror “Augustus Caesar” of the American Republic
Issues Proclamation 2040 Declaring a State of National Emergency via War Powers


Congress Passes the “Emergency Banking Relief Act”
Thereby Amending the notorious World War I Statute “Trading With the Enemy Act” of October 6, 1917, (12 USC 95b) approving and confirming Proclamation 2040, And Bringing the TWEA Inland, Imposing Military Government

This Amended WWI Statute in fact regards all “PERSONS” “Within the United States” as seized property of the federal government To be treated as “belligerents” and “rebels” by the Conqueror.

These “belligerents and rebels” are publicly residing in the Several States Now considered to be “conquered territories.”

By 1939 all American Common Law Civil Process will be gone.  In its place will be Roman Civil Law Martial Process Imposed on all “PERSONS” (natural and artificial) subject to the Conqueror’s
De facto Equity Jurisdiction of the “United States.”

This Martial Process will apply to all Public “United States Citizens.”  This Martial Process cannot apply to Private “Citizens of the United States,”  Privately residing on the land at Common Law,
While holding Private State Citizenship pursuant to Section 1 of the 14th Amendment.
“The Emergency Banking Relief Act”

This Act accomplished the Design of the Society of Jesus in “the Company’s” Great Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States set forth in Samuel Morse’s Nineteenth century masterpiece, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States (1835). Just as the Order had brought the Admiralty (possessing both a criminal and civil jurisdiction unlike American Admiralty with only a civil jurisdiction) inland in the days of Jesuit-ruled King Charles Stuart I of England thereby attempting to do away with the English Common Law on the land, the Jesuits accomplished essentially the same thing here in America with this wicked Act aided by the “Roosevelt Court.”

In the passing of this Act which the emotionally distressed Congress never read, the following must be understood:

1. The “Trading With the Enemy Act,” as passed originally in 1917, was made to apply to any “enemy” of the United States.

2. The “enemy” was defined to be “any individual, partnership, or other body of individuals of any nationality, resident within the territory of any nation with which the United States is at war.”

3. Other enemy “individuals” were defined as “natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation with which the United States is at war, other than citizens of the United States.” These “citizens of the United States” in 1917 held Private citizenship of the United States without having been reduced to the inferior citizenship status of being property of and surety for the State-created Public “citizen of the United States,” which public citizenship status was imposed on March 9, 1933.

4. The “Trading With the Enemy Act” also defined the term “person.” A “person” was “deemed to mean an individual, partnership, association, company, or other unincorporated body of individuals, or corporation or body politic.” Therefore a “person” could only be an artificial person in privilege, not a natural person at law.

5. Therefore, a “person” as defined by the “Trading with the Enemy Act” DID NOT INCLUDE a “citizen of the United States,” which at the time was a Private “citizen of the United States.”

6. The “Emergency Banking Relief Act” of March 9, 1933, amended the “Trading With the Enemy Act” of 1917, to bring the “Trading With the Enemy Act” inside the United States by applying it to “any person within the United States.”

7. The “Emergency Banking Relief Act” defined any “person” to mean “an individual, partnership, association or corporation.” The term “person” was not defined to mean a “citizen of the United States.” The term “person” excludes a “citizen of the United States,” specifically, a Private “citizen of the United States.”

8. Therefore, both the “Trading with the Enemy Act” and the “Emergency Banking Relief Act” defined a “person” to be an artificial entity (obviously being a partnership, association, or corporation) to include an “individual” American to be treated as artificial entity.

9. For that “individual” American to be treated as an artificial entity, his Private “citizenship of the United States” had to be reduced by an implied, constructive contract by operation of law to the inferior grade of corporate citizenship.

10. The corporation that is a citizen is a “Public” citizen of the United States. It is created for the benefit of the public. The corporation is not a “Private” citizen of the United States. Only individual Men and Women can be “Private” citizens of the United States as intended by Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

11. Therefore, neither the “Trading With the Enemy Act” nor the “Emergency Banking Relief Act” defined an enemy “person” to include a Private “citizen of the United States.” The term “citizen of the United States” is silently excluded from being defined as a “person” within both acts.

12. Therefore, the Private “citizen of the United States” is protected in his citizenship status by Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

13. Because the individual Private “citizen of the United States” is protected by Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, he was specifically EXCLUDED by definition from the “Emergency Banking Relief Act,” which act of FDR’s War Powers Congress (by way of the amended “Trading With the Enemy Act”—it operating upon “any person within the United States), imposed a martial process upon the courts, federal and state, after April 25, 1938.

14. Therefore the good news is, all Private “citizens of the United States” are protected in their private right to a civilian due process of law on a federal level by the Fifth Amendment and a civilian due process on a state level by Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

15. And therefore, all Private “citizens of the United States” are not subject to the provisions of the “Emergency Banking Relief Act” including a martial due process imposed by the “Trading With the Enemy Act” upon any artificial “person” within the United States.

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