Warning, Warning! Study in depth before entering into any agreement or compact with entities offering more freedom

This page will describe different entities that have been uncovered or studied as a precautionary measure to the reader.  This serves as a warning beacon to all who dare to review the evidence in a balanced way.  Look at it from different perspectives.  

The following examples are not in a certain order, but contain information to help start you on your way to studying entities that offer more freedom.  Many people desire more freedom.  They have to count the cost, but also avoid traps that may ensnare them into something they may regret.  

They may learn many things, but they have to fully see how the entity came into being, how it is structured, how it is ran, and how you can function in it if desired.  

Questions to consider:
1.) Do you have self-governance in all you do?  2.) Are there clear boundaries that are reasonable to hold one another accountable?  3.) Are the rules offered to everyone the same, or is there a glitch in how they are applied? 4.) Can you easily be "thrown under the bus"  for no apparent good reason? 4b.) Are you called a communist often? (Look up the definition)  4c.) Have you been accused of planning or plotting a Coup? (Look up the definition)
5.)  Are you offered a Declared Residency?  6.) Are you offered a Bi-Lateral Social Compact?  7.) Are you asked to study the Law of Nations and much more?  8.) Who are the key leaders of the entity?  9.) How do they behave with you and others? 9b.) Does there words match their actions?  9c.) Can they talk professionally without using swear words to express themselves? (Is this a bad habit or indignant)  10.) Do they show a balanced way of living and interacting with all concerned in a transparent way? 10a.) Does one or more leaders use or control narratives to help convince the asleep or unaware people that all is fine and everyone else is wrong?  10b.) Does any of the leaders every admit they were wrong or say they are sorry for actions they have done?  10c.) Do any of the leaders use another name they go by rather than their birth name?  10 d.) If these entities handle money do they show an accountable process that assures transparency to all?  11.) Is there a due process that is transparent and fair on every issue that may arise? 12.) What concerns do you notice that are not being addressed correctly in private, or is everything done in public and why?

Warning!!! Be careful researching and studying the material put forth in the entities. You most likely will find correct information, but what you do not see until establishing a connection with this or these entities are the following examples shown here in the way of an affidavit or video that are on the public record. 

This or these entities have gone through many many people, meaning many no longer participate or have been cast aside.  A volunteer select few put much time and effort, who are no longer there, into helping build what they thought was an return to a day of freedom lost, or set aside. 

You maybe called jealous, and some may be.  However is there a cause to hold leaders accountable for their actions as well?

Example one: The following video is placed here with the permission of the author of the video.  Please listen closely.  This is 11:54 seconds long.

Do Not Copy or Alter


Date- The 298th Day in the year of YHWH 6023, Translated January 20th, 2021. 

Comes now Jason Smith Perez, Trustee (hereinafter “Affiant”) being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that Affiant has first-hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and

 1. Affiant states that in August of 2020, Affiant requested from the Great Council for the ANU, removal from the ANU Telegram Channel, therefore was not in attendance for the Telegram Chat Communication for the American National Union, hereinafter ANU, that occurred on the 258th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated December 1st, 2020. Affiant did not contribute to the escalating dialogue between Keith Edward Livingway, Trustee, hereinafter KEL, and other ANU members. Affiant was notified by active assembly member Justin Yingling, Trustee, that Adam Ben-Canaan, Trustee was addressing KEL about the claims KEL made against Adam Ben-Canaan, Trustee regarding the alleged plagiarism of information regarding the teaching of affidavits to ANU members and being an alleged drug addict stoner. It is in this backand-forth dialogue between KEL and Adam Ben-Canaan that Affiant’s name was mentioned as someone that was wronged by KEL and that that is why Affiant is no longer a part of the ANU. Justin Yingling, Trustee then shared a Telegram snapshot of KEL’s response to the mention of Affiant’s name which stated, “We have been receiving reports that Mathew Emerson, Trustee and Perez [Affiant] are trying to divide the Union.” Justin Yingling, Trustee showed the Affiant a Telegram snapshot showing that another ANU assembly member Brandon Gibbs, Trustee, hereinafter Witness (1), that Affiant approached Brandon Gibbs, Trustee to abandon the ANU followed by Brandon Gibbs, Trustee’s claim that Affiant is treasonous. 

2. Affiant states, that a correction is required regarding the affidavit filed by Witness (1) and the claim of Affiant having approached Witness (1) to abandon the ANU and claimed that Affiant was treasonous. These claims were made on the ANU Telegram Channel on the 258th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated to December 1st, 2020. Affiant states that that Witness (1)’s claim is false in that the initial contact between the Witness (1) and Affiant occurred when Affiant commented on Witness (1)’s Facebook post about a historical reference. Witness (1) responded in agreement to Affiant’s comment. Witness (1) initiated a second contact with Affiant via the Messenger application on the 241st day of YHWH 6022, translated to November 14th, 2020 at 11:01p.m. and proceeded to inquire about where Affiant had been since Witness (1) had not seen Affiant at several Tuesday, assembly meetings for the ANU. Affiant proceeded to share with Witness (1) the chain of events that led Affiant to make the choice of departing from the work he was doing with Great 2 Council for the ANU such as improve or create websites for the existing sub-unions, and the formation of the Press Union. Affiant proceeded to outline the events surrounding Mathew Emerson, Trustee and the observed character attacks lodged by KEL regarding Mathew Emerson, Trustee ’s choice to use Cannabis. Witness (1) proceeded to add that KEL has a problem with Cannabis and those people that use it. Witness (1) proceeded to send pictures of his Cannabis crop and pictures of Cannabis in various containers, and a photo of Witness (1) holding a Cannabis plant in his hand self-described as a grower. Affiant states, for the record, that he did not request that Witness (1) send pictures of Cannabis or related paraphernalia. Affiant requested from Witness (1) if the conversation can continue by telephone, Witness (1) agreed and shared a telephone number for Affiant to call. Affiant continued to expand on the direct experience he had with KEL when he was forming the Press Union. Affiant states that on the 85th day of YHWH 6022, translated to June 11th, 2020, Affiant contacted KEL requesting that he provide Affiant access to the Press Union Telegram Channel so that he could meet with ANU members who expressed interest in forming the Press Union. KEL responded on the 86th day of YHWH 6022, translated to June 12th, 2020, confirming that he had unlocked the Press Union Channel and inquired if I had the Press Union Constitution. What followed, was a lengthy discussion around who were the members expressing interest and whether the members have split responsibilities as members of other unions or hold officer positions in other unions. KEL proceeded to outline that split responsibilities may affect consistency on the results required to grow and maintain a union. Affiant expressed that he agreed with KEL. KEL then proceeded to inquire, after Affiant shared who the interested members in forming the Press Union, why Mathew Emerson Mathew Emerson, Trustee was being considered for membership since he was holding an office in another union. 

Affiant stated that Mathew Emerson, Trustee holding an office in one union would not affect work in the Press Union if he was just an investigator which was not an officer position. KEL proceeded to state that he had a lack of confidence in Mathew Emerson, Trustee ‘s ability to perform investigatory Press Union duties. KEL added that he and Mathew Emerson, Trustee do not get along and made the claim that Mathew Emerson, Trustee engages in drug induced rants that people in the ANU must put with. KEL provided Affiant with a letter he wrote to Mathew Emerson, Trustee that he posted in the ANU Committee Telegram Channel. The letter was composed of what Affiant understood was KEL’s opinion about Mathew Emerson, Trustee, and his alleged drug addiction. There was no attached evidence that Affiant could review that would be sufficient to share KEL’s concerns. Affiant stated to KEL that Affiant would not commit a trespass on the Mathew Emerson, Trustee ’s right to free association and that any concerns that arise in the future about Mathew Emerson, Trustee would be based on observable and provable negative impacts that would be evaluated by the Press Union and its members at that time. KEL’s response was to claim that Affiant was forcing association onto KEL because he did not want to work with Mathew Emerson, Trustee as previously mentioned and then served notice to Affiant in private chat that he will be filing a federal common law lien on Affiant’s legal person. KEL added that that a case would be filed with the Human Rights Tribunal International. Affiant stated that if KEL felt that he was wronged, then it should be a matter relegated to the ANU to discuss. KEL then went to the ANU Committee Telegram Channel and proceeded to slander the character of Affiant claiming that Affiant was attempting to make back room deals that forced association onto KEL and served notice that he will be filing a federal common law lien against Affiant’s person. Affiant then proceeded to address the slander against his character by informing the members registered to the ANU Telegram Channel that he was being attacked because Affiant refused to give in to pressure to violate the right to free association of Mathew Emerson, Trustee. At this point, Affiant stated that he would no longer engage in a back-and-forth dialogue with KEL and would seek redress of grievance and remedy in the next ANU assembly meeting. It is at that time, that KEL then offered to provide remedy and asked that we go to a Zoom room that KEL controls. Affiant refused to meet with KEL stating that in a private chat telegram, Affiant had just experienced an attack from KEL regarding his character and was threatened with a federal common law lien by KEL. Affiant stated that he would present the matter to the ANU so that the assembly and the Great Council for the ANU can see KEL’s actions and assist with a remedy proportional to damage created by the slander made against Affiant’s character by KEL.

When the subsequent ANU assembly meeting arrived, both Affiant and Mathew Emerson, Trustee were awaiting to initiate a formal redress of the slander that KEL was maintaining against Mathew Emerson, Trustee in a Thursday, Temple Zoom call and a Tuesday, ANU Committee Zoom call centered around Mathew Emerson, Trustee ’s alleged drug use and slander experienced by Affiant when he did not comply with KEL’s pressure to aid in the denial of free association to Mathew Emerson, Trustee in the Press Union. Both Affiant and Mathew Emerson, Trustee decided to present a redress of grievance at the following Tuesday, ANU Assembly meeting. Both Affiant and Mathew Emerson, Trustee waited while some preliminary business of the ANU was concluded at the request of the Chairman of the Great Council for the ANU Jason Westley Hal. Affiant heard KEL prompt then Deputy Chairman for the Great Council for the ANU Christopher Michael Doherty, hereinafter CMD, to check his private message. CMD addressed Mathew Emerson, Trustee and stated that Mathew Emerson, Trustee ’s declared resident status was terminated, that Mathew Emerson, Trustee is now a U.S. citizen. CMD removed Mathew Emerson, Trustee from the ANU assembly Zoom call without an opportunity to air grievances regarding KEL’s attacks on his character through a redress of grievance. Affiant presented his grievance to the entire assembly of the ANU regarding KEL and his uncontested behavior of making claims without evidence to prove that they are true, resulting in slander. Affiant proceeded to expose the information that KEL was violating his social compact as Postmaster General in the national Government by interfering with State level matters approaching the Great Council for the ANU outside of the assembly with the intention to terminate the nationality of Mathew Emerson, Trustee prior to redress of grievance by the Great Council of the ANU and the assembly of the ANU. Affiant explained to Witness (1) that this information was shared by the then Treasurer for the ANU, John Mark Adams, hereinafter Witness (2). This information was shared with Affiant by Witness (2) in a two-hour telephone call that occurred on the Saturday before the Tuesday, ANU assembly call. Witness (2) also shared that KEL provided the Great Council Members of the ANU with the additional reason for his focus on Mathew Emerson, Trustee stating that Mathew Emerson, Trustee manipulated KEL into removing a Trustee from the Family Trust. 

Affiant’s personal recount of the events ends on this call with Witness (1) with a clarification from Affiant to Witness (1) that was shared was not intended to convince Witness (1) to leave the ANU. Affiant expressed concerns that if KEL is not held accountable, for engaging in slander with no supporting evidence, that it was not safe for Affiant or any assembly member to do business in the ANU, that does not comply with KEL’s demands. Affiant explained to Witness (1) that he left the ANU with a formal message to the Great Council for the ANU requesting that Affiant’s access to all ANU related projects, Affiant access to ANU websites be rescinded, and that Affiant be removed from all communication platforms connected to the ANU which included the ANU Telegram Channel. Affiant also provided all documents in his possession pertaining to work performed for the ANU and emailed them to Witness (2). Witness (1) stated that Affiant’s experience with KEL was like reports heard from other assembly members with KEL referencing a recent incident witnessed regarding another ANU assembly member Jessene Roe Beecroft, Trustee, as being slandered and verbally abused by KEL on a previous call and to the point that Witness (1) felt bad for Jessene Roe Beecroft, Trustee. Witness (1) then proceeded to ask Affiant about his opinion about the identifications that the ANU or the Government of The United States of America. Affiant stated that he had not gone through the process of purchasing an identification and heard different stories from other nationals that the identifications work for some things and not others. Affiant stated to Witness (1) that deciding to use the identifications is part of free will and self-determination and that if he had concerns about the identifications that he would have to perform his due diligence. Affiant concluded the telephone call and wished Witness (1) to be well. Witness (1) stated that his door was open to Affiant for future communications as a friend. 

3. Affiant states that the communications on Facebook between Valerie Zicaro, Trustee, hereinafter VZ, occurred on the social networking platform of Facebook which to the Affiant’s knowledge is not owned or maintained by the Government of The United States of America. Facebook monitors the communications of its connected members and is proactive with flagging subject matter that may violate its community standards. Affiant often comments on VZ’s Facebook wall, as they share very similar interests and often address and discuss issues of healing, politics, science, and question events or the actions of people in groups that require discussion and exposure. On December 7, 2020, translated to 264th Day of the Year of YHWH 6022, Affiant responded to a post VZ made with regards to a rebuttal VZ made against KEL’s claim that VZ was fired from being a General Postmaster serving on the Human Rights Tribunal. Affiant observed that VZ posted a snapshot of an email resignation submitted directly to KEL’s email gporffdr@gmail.com, Kevin Lakes at gpmcjudge02@generalpostoffice.org, John Fulks jfulks34@gmail.com, Trent Sailor at trentwwindsley@ generalpostoffice.org, and the registrar at registrar@generalpostoffice.org dated March 8, 2020 translated to the 354th Day of the Year of YHWH 6022 at 10:10 a.m. Upon reviewing the snapshot, Affiant stated on the post, “Those that were left behind stood in truth. While the other side operates with unsubstantiated claims also known as Hearsay, where they just point the finger but have no evidence.” Affiant states that Facebook, to date, has not issued any warnings with regards to content on said post. Affiant is not aware of any reciprocity agreement between Facebook and GTUSA that provides GTUSA with the right to censor communications with which it disagrees. Affiant observed that the only objection to the content in the post was expressed by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America in the form of a published cease and desist issued on December 7th, 2020 that stipulated under the heading of “Here is the Valerie Zicaro proud of her lie here” in line 6 where Affiant’s name is mentioned in the following statement “Go ahead Jason Perez and tell everyone that others operate without unsubstantiated evidence.” Affiant did not observe additional statements with Affiant’s name on this publication; however, Affiant’s comment on VZ’s Facebook post was addressing the previous publication from the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America, hereinafter GTUSA, dated December 7, 2020 translated to the 354th Day of the Year of YHWH 6022 where the Affiant is named along with nine others as being “Under investigation for “Rebellion or insurrection-Seditious conspiracy-Advocating overthrow of Government.” Affiant states that the claims made by the previously mentioned publication are unfounded. Affiant states that there is no additional substantive evidence to date that has been presented other than Affiant’s criticism that members of the GTUSA are making claims against Declared Residents and American Nationals with no evidence. 

Affiant states and attests as fact, that KEL functions as Postmaster General for the GTUSA whose responsibility is to control the communications to and from that body politic. During his time in the ANU, Affiant was informed by other Nationals that KEL, as Postmaster General, oversees General Post Masters and limited to act only within their social compact as they operate the national Government claimed under the Articles of Confederation brought forth to the present day. Affiant states that the American Nationals not part of national Government and its compact are part of the States which is in a separate social compact. Neither of the two groups of Nationals have the right to break their compact by interfering in the affairs of the body politic located in either one or the other. Affiant states that KEL is a member of the ANU in 6 that KEL is a trustee for businesses operating as Private Membership Associations, hereinafter PMA(s), and operator of publications such as Reign of the Heavens Society Post, the Continental Free Press, the American Herald, and the Reign Bulletin. Affiant states that as an ANU assembly member, KEL’s voice is not greater or less than that of the rest of the ANU assembly members at any given time. KEL carries no additional title or responsibilities within the ANU that allows KEL to initiate discussions with the Great Council for the ANU about terminating another assembly member’s status. Affiant states that based on the testimony of Witness (2) that KEL approached the Great Council of ANU to terminate Mathew Emerson, Trustee’s status that KEL was in breach of both social compacts. First, KEL took his personal issues with Mathew Emerson, Trustee and proceeded to break the two compacts by then stepping into the position of Postmaster General in the national Government to trespass on the rights of Mathew Emerson, Trustee. Affiant made efforts to expose this during the ANU meeting where Affiant was demanding remedy for the damages made to Affiant’s reputation from KELs attacks. 

4. Affiant states that the claim that Affiant made public comments, that aided in the arbitrary claim against a public office holder, also violating Public Law 101-12 wherein the respondents attempted to defame the reputation of all claims made in the name of the established international person within the Law of Nations known within the family of Nations as the Government of The United States of America set forth in the True Bill of Indictment issued 287th day in the year of Yahweh six thousand and twenty-two, translated date of the 30th day of December, is false. Affiant states that it is not unlawful to require evidence to support a claim especially if you are one of nine people named for attempting to incite rebellion, insurrection, seditious conspiracy, and the advocating of the overthrow of the GTUSA. KEL ascribes to this requirement of law as evidenced by the episode 195 of the TROH Show. A rebuttal to correct the record is required, whether it is one of the people or a Government making the claim, with adherence to the due process outlined in its own published laws. Affiant states that public rebuttal of any claim is required under Common Law or the claim does stand as true. Affiant states that it is in the practice of self-determination, a concept to which the GTUSA and the ANU ascribe, that every man and woman has the responsibility to perform the work necessary to aid in the preservation of law in the body politic to which they are bound in social compact.

5. Affiant states that Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, also known as Public Law 101-12 which reads, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks” does not apply to KEL in that no trespass was committed against KEL resulting in the violation of that law. When this Affiant addressed KEL, acting in his status as Trustee for his PMA in the ANU, for attacks against the character and reputation of both Mathew Emerson, Trustee, and the Affiant, he was doing so because it was KEL that was violating Public Law 101-7, 7 Public Law 101-8, Public Law 101-9, Public Law 101-12, Public Law 101-15-1 and/or 2, Public Law 101-18, Public Law 101-19, Public Law 101-20-1, and Public Law 101- 29-1 and/or 2.

6. Affiant states that in episode 205 of the TROH Show, KEL violates Public Law 101-5, Public Law 101-7 and Public Law 101-12, Public Law 101-20-1 and/or 2, and Public Law 101-23-1 and/or 2 and or 3 and or 4 when KEL refers to Affiant as a Communist. By doing so, KEL forced association onto Affiant into a documented subversive group with no substantive evidence. Affiant states that KEL associates municipal entities as working a Communist agenda. Affiant works for a municipal entity that provides and advocates for the local community and has never participated in any activity, deliberate or accidental, that has a Communist motive to it. The Affiant is contracted with a municipal entity to provide services that involved serving and advocating for the needs of the community in exchange for wages. The Communist Party is listed in former Attorney General Francis Biddles ‘s List of Subversive Groups dated February 5th, 1943. Affiant states that his career, established personal and professional reputation are in jeopardy since KEL referenced his name, without being given power of attorney by Affiant, in association with a subversive group via an unfounded claim. Affiant is at great risk of losing his financial stability necessary to pursue the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This loss of stability is not just assumed by Affiant but also by the family that depend on Affiant for personal and financial support. The Affiant’s family are classified as inhabitants and because of the reciprocity agreement between GTUSA and the inhabitants, GTUSA is required to advocate and protect those same inhabitants. Affiant states that GTUSA, under the direction of KEL as Postmaster General, is now in violation of said reciprocity agreement by jeopardizing the support the Affiant provides to dependent family. Affiant states that Affiant ascribes to the concepts espoused by the Seven laws of Noah, Law of Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Bill of Rights as outlined in the state Constitution of his permanent home. None of these systems of law and governance are not Communist in nature. 

Signed on this 298th Day in the year of YHWH 6023, translated January 20th, 2021 in the year of Yahweh, six thousand and twenty-two, and the 20th day of December in the two thousand and twenty first the year in Yahushua’s name, translated December 20th, 2020. 

Jason Smith Perez
Jason Smith Perez

Witness 1
Name – John Mark Adams
John Mark Adams

Witness 2
Name – Maria Barragan
Maria Barragan

Do Not Copy or Alter

Affidavit of Fact

                                                         from John Mark Adams

                        January 30th, 2021 

COMES NOW, John Mark Adams (hereinafter “affiant”) who has reached the age of majority, or twenty-one years old, and is competent to state the following charges, facts, and questions.

This affidavit and other evidence will be published on a public forum that reaches at present sixty-three countries.

Affiant now comes forward sixty days after December 1st, 2020 with a clear rebuttal, denying all accusations in full, with explanations of why certain actions were taken by this affiant in paragraphs three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten as well as points one, two, three and four: and in the Publishing’s and audio in dated order section below.  Affiant watched the action and actions taken the night of December 1st, 2020 by the General Post Masters, (hereafter GPM’s), and many days following.  Thus, the affiant waited to gather all evidence and as many accusations as possible, as the accusations were hard to keep up with, to come forward at a time that was respectful to all; as well as state on the record the facts that happened that was not just from one side of a narrative or charges brought forth, and

Affiant has witnessed affidavit’s, rebuttals, publishing’s, request for records, and videos from a group of ten persons grouped together, (Please see Publishing 5 on page six), not of their own choosing, not being shown for all to see in the proper venue’s as well as in a court jacket in the Human Rights Tribunal International.  Affiant also witnessed and had others, (those names are confidential due to possible retribution that could be taken), communicate to the affiant that public open discussion was being held before any hearing took place or was withdrawn.  Affiant states this is a clear violation of due process.  Whether accepted or not the affiant submits this affidavit with a clear concise and resolute mind to move forward in peace.  This affiant wishes all lives have the amount of success due them in all they do for the betterment of their self, their family, and the society in which they live and,

Affiant notes that there were publishing’s concerning the affiant and others before any investigation started.  The publishing’s created narratives as fact with no evidence to prove what was being stated.

1.   The following link shows that an announcement was made while the American National Union was meeting on December 1st, 2020.  American National Union will be noted hereafter as ANU.  This was publishing number 1 below.  Affiant listened to a recording in the below list saying that “they could not believe the action that was taken by this affiant or “group”.  There was no group, no plan of a so-called “coup” to take over the ANU.  Not one person had a thought or motive to do such of an action.

·       What would be the gain in doing so?  The affiant tried to resign twice in a two-year period, only to be asked to withdraw resignation and continue in the position(s) the affiant volunteered to do.  The affiant also begged others to take the positions the affiant volunteered to do.  The affiant had no takers and did not know why at the time.

There was not motive to do this accusation.  No investigation could have sought the truth, or it would have known this was a misrepresentation of the facts as there was no meeting of the minds in a civil discourse to get to the whole truth.  Any of the ten persons named would have gladly had that conversation if asked in a balanced and fair way.

2.    In this meeting there was a discussion being conducted in the matter of Adam Ben-Canaan on stealing information from Genoa Holdings and use of cannabis, as well as another ANU member KEITH EDWARD LIVINGWAY, PMA through Genoa Holdings. 

 Earlier in this day of December 1st, 2020 a discussion ensued on the application of Telegram, not owned by any entity other than Telegram, between Adam Ben Canaan and KEITH EDWARD LIVINGWAY, PMA.  Telegram was used as one of many communication tools. The affiant started the ANU Telegram group many weeks or months before this event occurred.  Each group had to have an owner to start it to begin.  The affiant saw most of the chatting conversation on Telegram this same day of December 1st, 2020 and hoped that a resolution would have happened. 

The affiant saw KEITH EDWARD LIVINGWAY, PMA announce that the affiant “did not come to his rescue, and the ANU would now have to handle this situation”.  The affiant had called ANU Chairman Jason Westley Hall, (hereafter JWH), about this matter before the meeting.  The affiant was not able to reach the then Co-Chairman Christopher Michael Doherty, or then Secretary Michael Adam Fathauer.  The affiant discussed with JWH what the best way was to handle the situation on the table of the ANU.  The affiant asked JWH if sharing a biblical approach of handling things in private would be acceptable, and if this did not work it would be brought forward in a more public way.  JWH agreed.

At a certain point during the normally convened meeting on Tuesday’s the affiant began to explain the biblical view of how you handle matters between believers in the Truth, The life, and The Way.  I was interrupted by the ANU legal liaison twice during a planned opportunity to resolve this issue.  In no way was this an attempt to have a “coup” or take over the ANU.  The affiant was trying to stay on track to help resolve the issue on the table of the ANU, then allow the assembly to respond.  The affiant had no idea what anyone else was thinking or pursuing.  The persistence by the affiant to finish the dialogue was needed to complete what had been discussed with JWH earlier in the evening of December 1st, 2020.  Again, it was in no way of taking any authority or business away from anyone.  The suggestion was going to be to ask Adam Ben-Canaan to go into a quite mode for a period of six months to allow peace to take over.

During this meeting we kept getting reports that something was happening in a meeting with the GPM’s.  One report was over the publishing of Publishing #1 on page five.  This interfered with the business meeting overall and from that point it did not go well as the assembly did not even get to communicate their desire in this matter.  There was no evidence why Publishing #1 was created.  At some point later we heard another publishing was done, and after review saw no proven evidence of that publishing as it would have required an investigation for proof. (See Publishing #2 on page five) Before the meeting ended Co-Chair Doherty resigned his position indicating “he did not want to work with communist any longer”.  The affiant went and re-read the definition of communism and saw no connection whatsoever, unless a narrative was given to the GPM’s of what they thought happened.

 3.   The next morning of December 2nd, 2020 the affiant awoke to the day at hand and saw no withdrawal of Publishing #1 or 2.  Affiant then went into the ANU Telegram account and removed all GPM’s as the affiant viewed the publishing of #1 as their request not to participate in the ANU.  No discussion was held with the affiant for a briefing of any kind.  The affiant did try to call or reach out to others for a clearer explanation and the affiant did not receive any communication for appropriate action or non-action.  The affiant saw Publishing #1 and #2 as a clear message to the ANU the intention of the GPM’s based on proven evidence that was not brought forward in one hundred percent specificity to render a decision of what these publishing’s indicated. In Publishing # 2 everyone in the ANU was broad stroked with the label of criminals, and communist.  The affiant as then one officer of the ANU felt it was not his total responsibility to find out what happened.  The affiant’s phone rang all day long being asked by ANU members what happened.  I told them I had no clue.  My judgement felt it was better that the then ANU Chairman should step up to find out the facts.  Whatever mistake the affiant may have made in the opinion of the leaders of the Government of the United States of America, or the GPM’s, the affiant in no way maliciously made any attempt to try and overthrow that government or any other.  The thought never entered the affiant’s brain, thus how could the affiant be guilty of such an accusation.  The affiant soon found out the ANU had been placed in Trust.  When affiant saw this the affiant knew as the owner of the group it had to be deleted as it was in Trust.  No one communicated that it would come out of Trust the next day.  Affiant knew whoever could rebuild the group with no problem.  Affiant saw this as no act of Treason, Sedition, or any other crime.  Affiant witnessed over two years many mistakes that were made by all and were never called out for these sorts of crimes.  The mistakes were fixed, and all moved forward in peace for the most part.

The word gaslighting came to mind to the affiant.  The affiant thought about this for some time and did some background research on why things like this happen.  The affiant had studied this information before, but this new review made so much sense that the affiant has tagged the information at the end of this affidavit so those brave enough to confront this may find out why they should and how to do it in their own study.

4.   Other accusations with no proof positive were stated in either a publishing, through audio, word of mouth to the affiant’s ear, or by written communication, whereas the affiant now gives full rebuttal and denial to all that the affiant can remember.

·       During a video/audio rebuttal of those who were intentionally grouped together, not of their own making, the affiant gave response to much of what happened stemming from December 1st, 2020.

·       The affiant felt tears come forth as the situation was critical to the affiant.

·       The affiant was generally named a “soy boy”, along with others.

o   https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/soyboy/

or soy boy or soy-boy [soi-boi] What does soyboy mean? Associated with the alt-right, soyboy is an insult used online for men seen as effeminate liberals. It comes from the myth that consuming soy products lowers testosterone levels in a man.

·       The affiant would point out that by calling someone that or saying “No real man does that” is quite ignorant of emotions and how they work as Jesus knew this as fully man and fully God.

o   The accusers do believe in The Holy Scriptures, right?

o   Are the accusers unstudied in The Holy Scriptures before making such an accusation?

·       Here is 100 % proof real men cry when needed as The Holy Scriptures point this out sixty times in the Old Testament and 16 times in the New Testament.  See the following link.  Net-burst.net/hope/weeping.htm

 Also, in the Gospel of John Chapter 11 verse 35 Jesus wept himself.

·       The affiant asked now who is a real man or who is immature in their own self?

Another accusation came forth that many of the GPM’s were surprised at the affiant’s actions.  This affiant states that getting to know someone is much more than meeting on a phone or zoom call.  When a person does not know all the facts or the person very well, they can make any kind of accusation to create a false narrative for another purpose against someone totally oblivious of what they are accused of. 

·       Has that ever happened to you or someone you know?  Have you ever been accused of something and knew you were innocent, but were treated guilty anyway?

 Yet another accusation came forth to this affiant.  The affiant was told “I was too religious, so I had to go”. (Paraphrased)  (See the following link: https://www.tentmaker.org/Dew/Dew1/D1-EtymologyOfReligion.html)

It means to be in bondage again.  The affiant is not in bondage nor does the affiant want anyone to be in bondage.  Anything the affiant may have said that made someone feel in bondage was not the intent.  Holding each other accountable in a bi-lateral social compact and abiding by the Articles of Conduct from the year 2013 was the intent.  The affiant references article 4 and 5 of the aforementioned document.

Finally, one more accusation came forth to the affiant.  It was stated in an audio clip that John Mark Adams claimed he was fifty-five years old.  Whereas in actuality the affiant is fifty-nine years old.  The accusation is false and cannot be proven affiant said that.  Affiant is not a liar and has no reason to lie about his age.

o   It is easy to prove my age, so why would the affiant lie about it?

In conclusion the affiant submits the following links on pages five through nine as referenced previously for the record.  The affiant also references proof of rebuttal and an offer to self-exile early in the time line, and it was rejected.  Other affidavits from other persons may come forth when finished for the record.

The Affiant sayeth naught,

The affiant further sayeth naught,

          John Mark Adams, Trustee

            Date: January 30th, 2021

Witness One:

William C. Adams

Pastor William C. Adams

Witness Two:

Rebecca L. Adams

Rebecca L. Adams, RN


Publishing’s and audio in dated order

Publishing #1: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2020/12/01/introducing-the-existence-of-the-general-post-union-of-the-united-states-of-america/

Publishing #2: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2020/12/01/american-national-union-of-the-united-states-of-america-is-hereby-declared-an-illegal-autonomous-zone-within-the-united-states-of-america/

Publishing #3: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2020/12/02/the-american-national-union-of-the-united-states-of-america-is-hereby-placed-in-trust/

Publishing #4: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2020/12/04/the-american-national-union-of-the-united-states-of-america-is-now-out-of-trust/

Audio #1: https://trohshow.com/2020/12/05/the-205th-broadcast-of-the-t-roh-show/

Publishing #5: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2020/12/07/the-following-persons-are-under-investigation-for-rebellion-or-insurrection-seditious-conspiracy-advocating-overthrow-of-government/

Publishing #6: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2020/12/07/international-public-notice-for-valerie-zicaro-and-jason-perez/

Audio #2: https://trohshow.com/2020/12/12/the-206th-broadcast-of-the-t-roh-show/

Audio #3: https://trohshow.com/2020/12/19/the-207th-broadcast-of-the-t-roh-show/

Publishing #7: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2021/01/05/john-mark-adams-et-al-indicted-by-true-bill/

Publishing #8: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2021/01/11/the-national-assembly-cancels-the-trial-on-the-21st-of-january-government-of-the-united-states-of-america-v-john-mark-adams-et-al/

Publishing 9: https://americanheraldnewspaper.com/2021/01/18/all-that-is-said-done-and-claimed-by-the-following-list-of-inhabitants-of-the-united-states-is-hereby-rebuked-in-the-name-of-yahushua-jesus/


Proof of rebuttals

·       There were eight self-exile notices sent in on December 9th, 2020 not because of guilt, but in the name of peace.

o   Those sent in were from John Mark Adams, Adam Ben-Canaan, Michael Adam Fathauer, Kim Clever, Phu Jon Diep, John-Joseph Bilitz, Justin Yingling, and Jessene Roe Beecroft

o   There were more completed, but not submitted at that time.

o   The proof they were sent.  (Please request and this proof can be sent)

        •          Message with the email sent: (Please request proof and it will be sent)
        •    Proof of Notice and Rebuttal to the Newspaper articles on December 4th, 2020 to the Government of The United States of America (Please request the proof and it will be sent)

o   Proof it was sent for public view  

o   Proof of Rebuttal to 205th T-ROH show by 1st Audio


§  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj1wcKiD79c


o   Proof of the real Keith Edward Livingway by audio

§  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdeiIfUFPDA


o   Proof of Evidence that demands a fair and impartial verdict.

§  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg9v9DpSrdM


o   Proof of Testimony from Valerie Z. part 1

§  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z5qTvu5mHE


o   Proof Testimony from Valerie Z. part 2

§  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePL7VyX3gns&t=33s


More evidence that demands resolution


The following are specific quotes from Cory Newman, PhD, a professor of psychology at the Perlman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, or from Stephanie Eckelkamp who writes for Prevention.com.


“Not every self-centered jerk in your life is a true narcissist.  But there is a tipping point you can try to spot”. “A narcissist, by definition, is someone with a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, whose symptoms begin in early adulthood,” says Cory Newman, PhD.


SE: “Dr. Newman has written on narcissistic personality disorder. (NPD) It is hard to say exactly, but both genetics and upbringing likely play a role”.


“To quite a degree, personalities are inherited,” says Newman.


CN: “But if someone was super indulged, always told that he or she was special or better than other kids, and never given limits, that would likely contribute”.  “At the other end of the spectrum, some researchers think that parental neglect can also contribute to narcissism”.

Jessene Roe Beecroft 




I, Jessene Roe Beecroft, Trustee hereinafter Affiant give my sacred oath and vow to my Divine Creator Yahweh in this my sworn testimony that the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of my experience, knowledge and understanding on this 307ᵗʰ day of Yahweh 6022 translated 

January 19ᵗʰ, 2021, and

Affiant testifies that she is of the age of majority, is competent to state the facts herein and has firsthand knowledge of the facts stated in this DECLARATION AND TESTIMONIUM IN SUPPORT OF DECLARATION, hereinafter “Declaration” on this 19ᵗʰ day of January 2021 as follows:

Affiant   states that Affiant is an affirmed (October 31ˢᵗ,2017) American National, who, was dedicated to serving with others toward a mutual goal, the freedom for the American Nationals inhabiting The United States of America. : Affiant   served holding the office of Governor Interim of the State of New Mexico approximately one year, was an active member of the American National Union of The United States of America, held the office of Chairman Interim, office of Secretary Interim and Delegate founding with 3 coworkers the American National Agriculture Union of The United States of America. While serving : Affiant   consistently dedicated Affiant  ’s time and energy to learning all Affiant could, while recruiting residents and members, holding meetings, creating documents websites, and teaching others.  Affiant also served on the American National Judicial Review Committee the Great Jury and was a member of the North American National Party of The United States of America. Affiant  held dual Citizenship within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of Reign of the Heavens Country, and an active member in the Reign of the Heavens Temple. : Affiant also enjoyed attending General Poster Master Council meetings as often as possible, where Affiant valued the knowledge gained from attending meetings held by Chief Judge Kevin Lakes and Minister / Judge Trent Sailor.  Affiant desired to be a valuable asset for the Government of The United States of America, and all humanity.  Affiant was not an active participant in the communications occurring in the American National Union hereinafter (ANU) Committee Telegram Channel but was an active member of the American National Union a consistent attendee of the weekly ANU assembly meetings.: Affiant states that on September 22ⁿᵈ, 2020: Affiant   was in attendance for the Tuesday, ANU assembly Meeting at 6:00p.m.  During this meeting, committee reports were being shared with the assembly but when Keith Edward Livingway, Trustee, hereinafter KEL, arrived the first words that Affiant heard from KEL were, “One of the most important laws there is, is to love thy neighbor as you love yourself.”  Affiant   heard another assembly member respond Amen and attempting to be facetious, the : Affiant typed in the Zoom Chat “Awoman” . Chairman for the ANU Great Council Jason Westley Hall informed the assembly that Affiant had typed "Awoman" in the chat and it is at that point, that KEL was heard to say, “you’re one of those ME TOO witches, you keep on doing it, If you [ Affiant  ] are one of  those Me-Too women I guarantee I wouldn’t get one objection from any member  here to remove you, and good riddance”.  KEL kept on badgering, accusing, proceeded to say, “You [ Affiant  ] need to get on your knees and repent for all the 

      Affidavit of Fact Jessene Roe Beecroft 01/19/2021    HRTI2020123000015

whoring around you’ve been doing. As a matter of fact, I think all the women need to get on their knees and repent for what they have done to this country.” Affiant was in shock upon hearing the slander against Affiant ’s character and typed in chat “OMG” and then typed “OMG Goodnight”. Affiant left the meeting early.

Affiant attended the ANU assembly meeting on Tuesday, September 29ᵗʰ at 6:00p.m. with the intention of addressing what Affiant knew to be a trespass committed against Affiant when KEL slandered Affiant in front of other assembly members with the claim that Affiant had been whoring around which is a violation of Public Law 101-12.

Deputy Chairman for the Great Council Christopher Michael Doherty suspended Affiant ’s attempt to bring up KEL’s slander on Affiant ’s character by explaining that the statement from KEL was not directed toward Affiant. Affiant states that there is no other way to have interpreted KEL’s statement about demanding that Affiant repent for the alleged whoring around Affiant was doing other than an attack on Affiant ’s character and honor.  Affiant states that to Affiant ’s recollection throughout Affiant ’s three to four-year participation in the ANU that there have been approximately six instances of experiencing direct verbal and email attacks on Affiant ’s character and honor being accused without evidence of being a drug addict, etc.

Affiant states that Affiant was connected to the ANU Committee Telegram Channel up to and including Tuesday, December 1, 2020 but stopped commenting and participating in the channel, but returning just a few weeks before the current charges because of Affiant ’s prior interactions from KEL. Affiant states that KEL placed edited comments that were placed by the Affiant on the T-ROH Show page. Affiant ’s comment was made as a response to the TROH Show episode 195 that discussed Anna  Von Reitz where KEL makes the statement that you cannot ruin somebody’s reputation without evidence. KEL erased the comment and KEL’s reply on the page, and addressed the Affiant privately agreeing but claimed the  Affiant still needed to clean-up Affiant’s act from alleged drug use.   Affiant states that in the same thread of email dialogue KEL edited comments, intended to be positive and supportive which included a prayer that Affiant emailed to KEL on September 29, 2020 when Affiant understood that KEL was having troubles with addictions, misrepresented Affiant’s supportive statements by placing the edited comments in the ANU Committee Telegram Chat in way that made the situation look like the Affiant had romantic feelings for KEL. Affiant rebuts that accusation with Exhibits Attached below.

Affiant states that Affiant  had no idea what the background issue was between KEL and Adam Ben- Canaan, Trustee, and states that Affiant did not contribute to the ANU Telegram communications that occurred on December 1, 2020.  Affiant  was not aware to what degree the issues escalated between KEL, Adam Ben-Canaan, Trustee, and other ANU members that disagreed with KEL’s claims of plagiarism and drug addiction made against Adam Ben-Canaan in the ANU Committee Telegram Channel. Affiant attended the Tuesday, ANU assembly meeting on December 1, 2020 at 6:00p.m. and shared a report for work being done in the American Agriculture Union affiant left early.

Affiant states that she was awakened by a late-night telephone call from assembly member Kim Clever stating that Affiant was removed from the ANU by KEL. Affiant was shocked and angered at the news as Affiant did not know the reason for the removal.  Assembly member Kim Clever then stated that she was not sure if the Treasurer for the ANU John Mark Adams, hereinafter JMA, was mistaken and encouraged the Affiant to attend a newly scheduled ANU meeting for Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 6:00p.m. Affiant states that on the morning of December 2, 2020, Affiant placed a telephone call to JMAs and,

      Affidavit of Fact Jessene Roe Beecroft 01/19/2021    HRTI2020123000015

requested clarity regarding the news of Affiant being removed from the ANU.  JMA s stated that he made a mistake and that he thought that he had seen that KEL had removed Affiant from the ANU Committee Telegram Chat but saw that Affiant was still there.  JMA told Affiant that the members in attendance the night before were going to meet up that evening at 6:00 pm. to discuss the events that occurred the night before. JMAs asked Affiant if Affiant wanted to join them. Affiant attended the gathering and learned that KEL in his capacity as Postmaster General for the Government of The United States of America along with the National assembly issued a publication on the Continental Free Press on December 1, 2020 classifying the ANU as an illegal autonomous zone. A subsequent publication from the same organ dated December 2, 2020 stated that the ANU was placed in trust for purposes of purging all the drug addicts and communists out of the States of the Union. Affiant heard from Adam Ben-Canaan, Trustee within that Wednesday meeting that we were all out of the ANU per the analysis of the publication. Affiant states that on the True Bill of Indictment brought forth by the Great Jury of the American National Union on the 287ᵗʰ day in the year of Yahweh six thousand and twenty-two, translated date of the 30th day of December in 2020 that Affiant was named as one of ten people indicted for  crimes of Rebellion or Insurrection, Seditious Conspiracy, Advocating Overthrow of Government, and Domestic Warfare against the American National Union of The United States of  America and the Government of The United States of America for hijacking the aforementioned Union by removing all General Post Masters from the American National Union public communication platform with no substantiating evidence befitting of such activity.

Affiant states that the True Bill of Indictment does not provide any statements describing the activity except for a snapshot of a statement the Affiant made on Affiant’s Twitter account on December 9ᵗʰ, 2020 at 4:53a.m.  The snapshot read, “I apologize to all that I advertised the TROH Show to, I’m truly sorry, I was tricked and lied to by Keith Livingway as I promoted the TROH Show for 4 years.  I rebut every word he says. I truly apologize for advertising the Government of The United States of America.” To Affiant  ’s knowledge, the Twitter social media platform is not owned or operated by the Government of The United States of America or the ANU. Affiant is not aware of any reciprocity agreement between Twitter, the Government of The United States of America, and the ANU that allows them to censor comments regarding either of those body politics. Affiant to date has not been contacted by social media platform regarding any red flags indicating that Affiant’s statement had violated community standards.  Affiant states that this type of speech is guaranteed under Public Law 101-18 and Public Law 101-19.  Affiant states that the statement on the Twitter account was the result of the Affiant’s anger and disappointment toward being arbitrarily removed from the ANU without deliberation and due process.  

The due process violation occurred when KEL made unsubstantiated claims that Affiant is a drug cartel, the mom of them all, the worst of them all, therefore, guilty of sedition and insurrection as stated on episode 205 of the TROH Show and the True Bill of Indictment which violated Public Law 101-11-1 and/or 2.  Affiant addresses the Government of The United States of America, in the aforementioned Twitter statement, because KEL as Postmaster General in conjunction with the political apparatus of said Government to deny Affiant the right to free association, the right to remedy and due process, and the right to a nationality.   Affiant states that the claimant on the True Bill of Indictment fails to provide evidence of Affiant 's seditious activity and by doing so is in violation of Public Law 101-9, Public Law 101-11-1 and/or 2, Public Law 101-12, Public Law 101-15-1 and/or 2, and Public Law 101-20-1 and/or 2. Exhibits available by request.

     Affidavit of Fact Jessene Roe Beecroft 01/19/2021    HRTI2020123000015

Affiant moves the judge of the Human Rights Tribunal to find the Affiant innocent of all claimed charges against the Affiant and send to the Affiant in solid gold bars 5 million dollars that will compensate the Affiant’s damages.  Affiant suffers from PTSD, Depression, public embarrassment, and the physical damage to overall health caused by nefarious charges brought with no due process of law and no evidence of claimed charges, nefarious public slander, defamation, and emotional battery by KEL. Respondents are without authority to act as Attorney in Fact for Affiant or Affiant ’s PERSON to extort funds from Affiant or traffic Affiant ’s PERSON, and,

Affiant testifies that in the event that any provision or wording of this Affidavit of Fact is held to be invalid or unenforceable at law, such provision or wording shall hereby be severed from this Affidavit of Fact to the extent that such affect the validity or enforceability of the Affidavit of Fact...

I, Jessene Roe Beecroft, Trustee as Affiant give my sacred word and promise to my Divine Creator Yahweh, that the facts contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and experience, and the Affidavit of Fact done by my free will and deed.  So declared on this 19th day of January two thousand twenty one.

Jessene Roe Beecroft,Trustee

Jessene Roe Beecroft, Trustee

Email jessenes@tutanota.com

Address: NAC:5ZK90 P3PG8   Phone 505-634-8027

Witness 1

Name – John Mark Adams, Trustee

John Mark Adams, Trustee

  Affidavit of Fact Jessene Roe Beecroft 01/19/2021    HRTI2020123000015


  1.)  T-Roh show # 195  (that KEL erased, then copy and pasted Affiant’s next comment to the ANU Telegram chat that  were  erased  by  the  host  of T-Roh  )  Jessene  Roe. Beecroft: September 27, 2020 at 6:40 pm Reply Agreed it is very important. You can’t go attack someone’s reputation without any proof. You can repent and be forgiven. 

Two questions, if you repent and continue to do the same thing, is that not the  opposite than  loving  they  neighbor ?  Do  you still go to heaven?

trustee September 27, 2020 at 8:29 pm Reply However, you do need to clean it up meaning that if you continually call on his name while getting high on a regular basis and yes, we remember when someone  was  changing  subjects  every  three  seconds  for  20  minutes  straight  on  a committee call. Classic cocaine high by the way, anyone reaching out to someone like that would be considered an act of kindness and loving thy neighbor. I believe there were witnesses laughing right in the persons face and that person did not miss a beat. They just kept going on and on changing subjects and talking a mile a minute, on and on. There were about 20 witnesses on that call and not too long ago. Witnesses are considered evidence. So, like what was said, you cannot make an accusation without evidence and if a person is getting high a lot, a reputation is the last thing that a pot head is thinking about. They always worry about that next hit and how to hide their habit so they can hit their friends up for money and lie to them about where the money is going.

2.) This is what my friend  sent to me, and this is why I replied like I did, Now I’m blocked from the County Assemblies and I do not receive mail any more at General post office.

 You sent October 5, 2020

Attempted murder he is committing because I cared

3.) this is a message i sent to Kim.  Its the one he erased that My friend saved and sent to me. Kim sent September 29, 2020



If a man becomes  single because the love of his life was stabbed in the heart on 12 -25-2012 and after 4 years he has a sexual loving relationship with someone he knew for 30 years and 3 months, and then he waits 2 years and has a relationship that ends up sexual after 3 years for a week and he says no to all, a lot of the come on's for years, he  repents and has not had any sex at all for over a year, is he a whore ? I just do not think so.

My heart goes out to you...I'm sorry for your situation and your feelings, Mother and Father in heaven and in  us, please heal Keith now, he is a  good man and my heart goes out to him ,no matter what  things he has done for this country and all, we appreciate, I ask for Keith the strength to be honest and truthful loving they neighbor as we do love our selves or if we do not love ourselves, and please forgive him as I have done both and, please give Keith the patience not to hate himself, to slow down and listen to the spirit within ,what he did what he said ,showed me the truth, as it did all that were there if they have any brains at all, I see clearly, please if it is your will, please let him see himself and let him feel my heart and let him know who I really am. I forgive him ,this is not a contest and it is very serious I know, you know I know the spirit of Yahweh lives within, no matter how hard it gets I would not give the job I asked for to anyone else, and please let him feel my heart. Let him know I can see him I can feel him and I do love him unconditionally my friend The Knight in Shining Armor to all the Nation, please give Keith the strength that he needs in this testing time, please protect him from any more harm, I ask this in the loving name of Yaushua, Thank you, Amen.

Keith I still do not understand what you thought I meant by saying a Woman. I will not ever, ever put you down or make fun of you ever, I am your friend no matter what, I also don't know what sloppy Love is. Your right on one thing I do have a gift, and I received that gift, I was told because I have a pure heart , I know that the real man Keith  that every real woman and  I fell in love with is still  in there, I know you had a hard life, so did I ,when I was a teenager my Uncle Zen beat my Mom horribly for 12 years, he would come at me with fist and acting like a bull, he would yell and scream at me and tell me he was going to take me to Mexico for an abortion, I was a virgin and he had a guilty conciounce because he took his brothers (my Dad ) wife away  (my Mom). Yes Keith you made me understand again why Both my parents treated me like shit. I did their job, I raised there children the best I could while barely surviving my horrible nightmare childhood. I'm not perfect, but you called Yahwehs Daughter a Whore. I honestly don't  know why you said what you did ,but I was told it was because you like me too much, and you are a lonely married man, that already feels guilty and a lot more, a lot. I do understand, and I do not understand as I could never hurt any one at all with words or anything unless they were hurting someone I love... I forgive you and I pray you will get the help you need. Please for you, trust Yahusha and go to the quite temple within.  I wish I could hug you right now. I know you wouldn't let me if I could,  but when you go to that temple within, when you Be Still you will feel a loving hug from me that will last forever, and Yaweh just told me that you will never admit it to me ,but you will gladly hold on. 

PS : this was written by Yahushua, Yaweh and my Grandmother Roien, because if it would not  have been for all of them ,I probably would have written things that would hurt you and that would not do any one of us any good. We are all one with nothing but pure love, well maybe some unpure love too. Like the waves of the ocean we are all one.  Jessene Roe Beecroft, [10.01.21 21:54]

4.) Jessene Roe Beecroft, [10.01.21 22:16]

It just IS.  I noticed that you did not publish my comments before, if you do publish this please make sure you publish every word of yours how I seen it.  I do not care about any witnesses or my witness, and the only one that matters is my Grandmother Roien as she is the Universe, and Yaushua, my brother and Yaweh my Father that knows and Loves his daughter, Jessene

This is the rebuke of all of what Jessene said:

Jessene, the whole mother and father prayer is hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus. Further, you are speaking to demons and it is quite clear so whatever you say is hereby rebuked in the name of  Jesus. Don't start your crap with me like you have with many other men that I have personally witnessed. All of your Baal Peor is hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus. You were either on meth or. e  

 Kim Jeanette Clever, [27.12.20 13:42]

[Forwarded from Kat Pendleton] https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1339210518943428612.html

Jessene Roe Beecroft, [29.12.20 12:51]

   Kim sent September 29, 2020.

THE T-ROH SHOW: Comment: If a man becomes single because the love of his life was stabbed in the 

heart on 12

-25-2012 and after 4 years he has a sexual loving relationship with someone he knew for 30 years 

,for 3 months and then he waits 2 years and has a relationship that ends up sexual after 3 years 

for a week and he says no to all a lot of the come ons for years, he repents and has not had any 

sex at all for over a year , is he a whore ? I just do not think so My heart goes out to you 

.....I'm sorry for your situation and your feelings , Mother and Father in

heaven and in us ,please heal Keith now ,he is a good man and my heart goes out to him ,no matter 

what no matter what The things he has done for this country and all, we appreciate, I ask for Keith 

the strength to be honest and truthful loving they niebor as we do love our selves or if we do not 

love ourselves please forgive him as I have done both and ,Please give Keith the patience not to 

hate himself ,to slow down and listen to the spirit within ,what he did what he said ,showed me the 

truth ,as it did all that were there if they have any brains at all

,I see clearly ,please if it is your will, please let him see himself and let him feel my heart and 

let him know who I really am .I forgive him ,this is not a contest and it is very serious I know 

you know I know the spirit of Yahweh lives within, no matter how hard it gets I would not give the 

job I asked for to anyone else , And please let him feel my heart .Let him know I can see him I can 

feel him and I do love him, my friend The Knight in Shining Armor to all the Nation .please give 

Keith the strength that he needs in this testing time please protect him from any more harm . I ask 

this in the loving name of Yahushua Thank you Amen; Keith I still do not understand what you 

thought I meant by saying a Woman. I will not ever put you down or make fun of you ever ,I am your 

friend, I also don't know what sloppy Love is your right on one thing I do have a gift ,and I 

received that gift ,I was told because I have a pure heart , I know that the real man Keith that 

every woman fell in love with is still in there ,I

know you had a hard life ,so did I ,when I was a teenager my Uncle Zen beat my Mom horribly for 12 

years ,he would come at me with fist and acting like a bull ,he would yell and scream at me tell me 

he was going to take  me to Mexico for an abortion ,I was a Virgin and he had a guilty conscience 

because he took his brothers (my  Dad ) wife away (my Mom) Yes Keith you made me understand again 

why my Both my parents treated me like shit (I did their job I raised their children the best I 

could while barely surviving my horrible nightmare childhood . I am not perfect, but You called 

Yahweh’s Daughter a Whore.I honestly do not know why you said what you did, but I was told it was 

because you like me too much, and you are a lonely married man, that  already feels guilty and a 

lot more, a lot. I do understand and I do not understand as I could never hurt anyone at all with 

words or anything g unless they were hurting someone I love. I forgive you .and I pray you will get 

the help you need. Please for you, trust Yahushua and go to the quite temple within. I wish I could 

hug you right  now. I know you would not let me if I could but when you go to that temple within 

when you Be Still you will feel a loving hug from me that will last forever. and Yahweh just told 

me that you will never admit it to me, but you will gladly hold on .PS this was written by 

Yahushua, Yahweh, and my Grandmother Roien, because if it would, not have been for all of them, I 

probably would have written things that would hurt you and that would not do any one of us any 

good. we are all one with nothing but pure well maybe some impure love too. like the waves of the 

ocean, we are all one the spirit manifest in Us. It just IS. I noticed that you did not publish my 

comments before, if you do publish this please make sure you publish every word of yours how I seen 

it. I do not care about any witnesses my witness and the only one that matters is my Grandmother 

Roien she is the Universe, and Yahushua, my brother and Yahweh my Father that knows and Loves his 

daughter, Jessene.

This is the rebuke of all of what Jessene said: Jessene,  the whole mother and father prayer is 

hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus. Further, you are speaking to demons and it is quite clear so 

whatever you say is hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus. Don't start your crap with me like you 

have with many other men that I have personally witnessed. All of your Baal Peor is hereby rebuked 

in the name of Jesus. You were either on meth or I did not call you a whore, that was your mistake 

because of your drug filled blood supply. Get off the drugs and go away. Whatever kind of religious 

kick you are on with the whole mother and father prayer is hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus. 

Further, you are speaking to demons and it is quite clear so whatever you say is hereby rebuked in 

the name of Jesus. Don't start your crap with me like you have with many other men that I have 

personally witnessed. All of your Baal Peor is hereby rebuked in the name of Jesus. You were either 

on meth or cocaine that night on the call and whenever you get caught, you manipulate with some 

demon crap and that is all rebuked in the name of Jesus. You are on your own with your drug habit, 

I will never bring it up again. If you die of an overdose, that is on you and no one else. Go away 

and Good Luck, Admin

The  Demon’s  that  KEL  claims  Affiant  listens  to  are  actually,  KELs  Actions,  (actions  speak louder than words.)

Affiant Stands on The Record Proper

      Affidavit of Fact Jessene Roe Beecroft 01/19/2021    HRTI2020123000015


 Date- The 306th Day in the year of YHWH 6023, Translated January 28th, 2021.



I, Donald Kanoelani Souza, Trustee (hereinafter “Affiant”) being competent to testify and being over the age of twenty-one years, after first being duly sworn according to the law to tell the truth to the facts related herein, states that Affiant has first-hand knowledge and belief that these facts are true to the best of Affiant’s knowledge and belief, and


1.     Affiant states that the one and only negative confrontation Affiant had experienced with Keith Edward Livingway, Trustee, hereinafter KEL, occurred on a Temple Telegram Channel thread on or about 256th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated to November 29th, 2020.  Affiant states that it was KEL that invited Affiant to be a part of the Temple Telegram Channel.  Affiant states that Affiant was “ministering” with regards to Scripture with another participant whose name Affiant cannot recall.  The subjects of discussion were about Grace and Law as well as the Wide and Narrow Gate.  Affiant states that KEL contributed to the ongoing discussion at a later point in the thread and began to insert verses of Scripture as a response to Affiant’s ministering while the third participant observed. Affiant states that there was no indication in the communications thread that there was a negative reaction such as anger or offence from KEL or the third participant present in that thread.  Affiant states that on the following day which was on or about the 257th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated to November 30th, 2020, Affiant’s attention was placed on the Telegram notifications generated by activity on the Temple Telegram Channel.  Affiant reviewed the notification and observed that a comment left by KEL from the chat thread of the night before was deleted not just from KEL’s side of the communication but also from the Affiant’s chat.   Affiant then confronted KEL via Telegram chat questioning him about the comment’s removal adding that Affiant was ministering from a place of truth inspired by the Holy Spirit. Affiant states that KEL’s response in essence stated the following, that KEL tried to let it go (the previous day’s discussion) yesterday but that you (Affiant) want to keep talking about it, so you want to fight let’s fight.  Affiant states that based on KEL’s response, Affiant thought that any additional discussion would escalate KEL’s confrontational behaviors and Affiant withdrew from discussing the matter further. 


Affiant states that to the best of his ability, Affiant does not recall any subsequent encounters that can be viewed as antagonistic or problematic to any of the body politics of which Affiant was affiliated along with KEL up to and including the date in which KEL issued publications from his position as Postmaster General for the Government of The United States of America.  KEL grouped Affiant along with nine other respondents with the charge of crimes of Rebellion or Insurrection, Seditious Conspiracy, Advocating Overthrow of Government, and Domestic Warfare against the American National Union of The United States of America and the Government of The United States of America for hijacking the aforementioned Union by removing all General Post Masters from the American National Union public communication.



2.     Affiant states that affiant was not in attendance for the Telegram Chat Communication for the American National Union that occurred on the 258th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated to December 1st, 2020.  Affiant did not contribute to the escalating dialogue between KEL, Adam Ben-Canaan, Trustee, and other ANU assembly members.  Affiant states that affiant’s Telegram posted notifications that drew the Affiant’s attention periodically, but Affiant did not comment in support or against the issues being discussed in that chat thread. Affiant states that prior to the publications issued addressing the nine respondents, the only instance in which Affiant remembers that that Affiant was charged with anything was in a Telegram chat message from assembly member James Francis Sullivan, hereinafter JFS on the 258th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated to December 1st, 2020 at 4:26p.m. Central Standard Time.  The following chat thread from JFS states, “Brother Kanoe, it appears a clash with another with whom there is a social compact.  There has been a charge of promoting false doctrine.  Yet we have no test of religion.  I find no cause to ignore the First Testament or the Second Testament.  Agape is certainly a teaching of Yehusua but I don't believe to the exclusion of all else.  If something seems wrong to one, especially within the circle of the Temple, should there not be an agape resolve?   I encourage a resolution without accusation? I am not aware of any ecclesiastical council or tribunal to root out heresy.  If there is it should be clearly laid out for such an incident as this.  IMO. James.” 


Affiant states that the charge referenced by JFS is solely based on a disagreement regarding interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.  Affiant again states that the disagreement between KEL and Affiant occurred on channel for Temple in Telegram which has no bearing on the processes of government as it pertains to the Government of The United States of America and the American National Union, hereinafter GTUSA and ANU respectively.  Affiant states that this is a spiritual matter and that if KEL felt that Affiant’s interpretation of the Holy Scriptures violated any of KEL’s right to KEL’s belief and conscience then the matter should have been relegated to a designated body of people within the Temple who are profoundly versed in the Holy Scriptures to provide mediation over the matter.  Affiant states upon his review of all the publications referencing all ten respondents, there has been no alleged specific charge that references the teaching of false doctrine and how that ties to seditious and insurrectionist activity.  Affiant states that Affiant’s name is listed on the Great Jury’s True Bill of Indictment, hereinafter Bill, without further explanation of behaviors or actions that fall under seditious and insurrectionist activity to overthrow the body politics of GTUSA and the ANU.  Affiant states that the Bill also fails to provide visual evidence of communications that would serve as proof of the activity alleged in the charges. 


3.     Affiant states that the alleged charge of removing the General Post Masters from the ANU Committee Telegram Channel is false.  Affiant was a member of the ANU Channel but was not responsible for maintaining the channel, so this alleged charge does not apply.  Affiant states that Affiant was an American National in good standing within the metes and bounds and seaward boundaries of The United States of America.  As an American National, Affiant is a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that were also made into public laws as published on the Continental Free Press on the 186th Day in the year of YHWH 6022, translated to September 20, 2020. 




Affiant states that the right to associate with other Temple participants regarding the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures is guaranteed by Public Laws 101-1, 101-2, 101-12, 101-18, 101-20-1 and/or 2, 101-29-1 and/or 2 to which GTUSA and the ANU are signatories. 


4.     Affiant states that in conclusion Affiant is innocent of all alleged charges due to the failure of the Bill to produce verifiable evidence of wrongdoing.  In addition, Affiant states that KEL, the listed witnesses Brandon Gibbs and Brandon Alan Anderson, the Great Jury for the American National Union, and the National Assembly for the GTUSA have all violated Public Laws 101-1, 101-2, 101-7, 101-8, 101-9, 101-12, 101-15-1 and/or 2, 101-18, 101-19, 101-20-1, and 101-29-1 and/or 2.   Contained within these Public Laws is the right to be innocent until proven guilty, the right to be equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination, and the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted Affiant by the constitution or by law of which have been trespassed upon by the previously referenced parties.   KEL and the undersigned parties to this Bill are also in violation of the 7th Law of Noah which is to never bear false witness.   


Signed on this 318th Day in the year of YHWH 6023, translated January 30th, 2020 in Yahushua’s name.


Donald Kanoelani Souza

, Trustee

Witness 1

Name – Jason Smith Perez

Witness 2

Name – Billie Jo Souza



July 22nd, 2021

COMES NOW, John Mark Adams (hereinafter “affiant”) who has reached the age of majority, or twenty-one years old, and is competent to state the following facts.

1.   On July 16th, 2021, the T-ROH show transmitted information over the internet that is incorrect against affiant. That T-ROH show is numbered 237.

2.   At approximately the 32-minute mark through the 35-minute mark Keith Edward Livingway, (hereafter KEL), shared information that is incorrect and cannot be proven.

3.   Affiant is not in association in any way with Sean Beller or his associates.

4.   Affiant is not associated with Sean Beller or his associates in any decisions they have made in the past, present, or the future in printing, or broadcasting of any material.

5.   Affiant has given no advise or direction of any kind to Sean Beller and his associates.

6.   Sean Beller may have retrieved by affidavit concerning December 1st, 2021, from any numbers of ways.

7.   Affiant has not in any way thought of or prepared any pre-emptive acts now or in the future of attacking KEL through physical or any other harm to him, the Government of The United States of America, The United States of America, American National Union, Reign of The Heavens, or any other part of a PMA or the structure in place, including any department, any resident, American National, office holder, General Post Master or on line tools used to help make all of the aforementioned successful for the good of all.

8.   Affiant also was not in ministry for 31 years. Affiant was in full-time ministry for only 3 years. Affiant would never brag about helping others come to Yahushua. This is not the nature of the affiant.

9.   Affiant has never had a relationship with any woman named Tracy in the affiant’s life as referred to by audio, or an assembly, or Telegram chat.

10.               Affiant states that KEL is using lies, and defamation of character without proof. Affiant knows no one is above being held accountable for how they treat anyone by word or deed. The Holy Scriptures teach this, which KEL says he follows. The Law of Nations itself teaches on this.

11.               Affiant has had no rebuttal to his first affidavit no matter the reason. Affiant knows that it is the truth, and it stands.


Affiant sayeth naught,

John Mark Adams

John Mark Adams


Witness One:

William C. Adams

Pastor William C. Adams


Witness Two:

Rebecca L. Adams, RN

Rebecca L. Adams

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