Sunday, September 16, 2012

Drinking water...what the what?

After you see the video ask yourself if you really want drinking water from your tap or in the restaurant you are eating at tonight.
Forwarded for Education, Edification, Entertainment and Information only.

Very good except one item; there is not a water filter made that will remove fluoride or chlorine from water; filters will remove the odor associated with those chemicals. Once anything is dissolved into the water (become a part of it as sugar in water) it cannot be separated from it by a water filter (January 1988 Consumer Report story on water filters.) Drink spring water from a reputable spring water company or use well water if you are fortunate enough to have it and that has been tested for content, (purity, chemicals and bacteria.)
Purified Water as in Disani, Aquafina, Nestle and many others are not spring water and actually have chemicals as Chlorine and fluoride added. IF IT IS SPRING WATER IT WILL BE PRINTED ON THE LABEL AS WILL THE LOCATION OF THE SPRING.
Distilled water is unhealthy for drinking purposes also.

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