Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Will Your Church Pray for those persecuted in JESUS name on Nov. 11 of 2012?

Dear Friends:
When we ask persecuted Christians in hostile and restricted nations how we can help and bless them, their first response is, “Pray for us!”
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, on the second Sunday in November, is an important way of answering their request. It is a day for the worldwide Body of Christ to unite in prayer for members of the Body who suffer for their faith.

To assist your church in praying effectively on IDOP Sunday, The Voice of the Martyrs is offering the 2012 IDOP Church Resource Kit. The kit includes a 5-minute DVD that shares the story of Bounchan, who was imprisoned in Laos for almost 13 years because of his Christian faith. It also includes a variety of other resources to help your church “Remember those in bonds” (Heb. 13:3) on this important day.

 While IDOP is set aside as a special day of prayer for the persecuted, it is vital that we remember our persecuted family throughout the year. A VOM prayer banner is available to help remind your church family to pray for the persecuted throughout the year.

Our brothers and sisters of the persecuted church ask that we pray for them. Will you and your church answer their request this November?
For those in bonds,
The Voice of the Martyrs

 This online offer is being presented by The Voice of the Martyrs. For additional information, you may contact us by clicking here or calling our order line at 800-747-0085. To view our privacy policy, click here.

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