Saturday, December 22, 2012

If guns kill people...Do pencils misspell words?

Over 300,000 deaths in the United States can be directly attributed to obesity Every hour there are approximately 400 people that die as a direct result of being overweight. While this problem is obviously enormous the idea that we should ban cheese burgers to combat the obesity is absurd.
Over 13,000 people are killed by drunk driver every year, we don't hear the media proposing that we should ban automobiles. The deaths on our roadways are not caused by cars, they are caused by individuals that act irresponsibly. Most of us agree that to blame the car for traffic fatalities is ridiculous.
The children in Connecticut that died this week were the victims of a horrendous crime. Guns were used, but the young man that pulled the trigger is responsible. If he had poisoned the children, bombed them or stabbed them with his knife would they still be dead?
We are producing a generation of serial killers and rather than focusing on a solution we want to blame the weapons they use.
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