Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prophecy from 2007: "Open the doors that the people may find solace

In 2007 the word of God through His Holy Spirit came unto one to tell the following the best way he could.

The Lord saith there is coming a day soon that all the doors where my church gathers that need to be open 24 hours a day 7 days a week to receive those coming from the North, South, East and the West to bow before me, repent before me, weep before me, and ask me to intervene on their behalf.

I the Lord say to the leaders of the faithful, open your doors now to everyone coming to pray or unto me.

As well everyday at 12 Noon read aloud one chapter from my Word beginning in Genesis over your loud speaker system from technology that has came to you.  Read for one hour so those who can hear will hear.

Watch what I will do.  I will do what I will do and I will not do all you think I should for a reason to be shown to you later.   

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