Sunday, February 17, 2013

Guess what the gov’t wants to put in your car?

Dear Reader,

Have you heard about the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NTSA’s) latest plan?

They are proposing the implementation of a new law that would basically require ALL passenger cars and trucks manufactured after September 2014 be equipped with a “black box,” similar to what’s currently installed on airplanes.

These boxes could be capable of tracking things like speed, location, number of passengers, etc.

It’s not clear exactly how these “black boxes” would be used, but it’s important to note that this isn’t something that has to pass through Congress…

The NTSA has full authority to change vehicle requirements on their own, and they’re scheduled to make their final decision, later this year.

To me, this is just another clear indicator that “Big Brother” is coming to America… And he’s coming fast. What little privacy we have left in America today will soon be gone.

Already, the government admits to snooping on our phone calls and emails. There are cameras and microphones everywhere… And now even drones (like the ones we use to spy in Afghanistan) are rumored to populate our skies.

But what can you do?

Well, one successful friend of mine (who’s a multi-millionaire and a medical doctor) says you can actually take some pretty simple steps to protect yourself. He says you can LEGALLY hide assets and income from the gov’t and you can LEGALLY limit how gov’t and big companies spy on you too.


Well, my friend has actually put together a really interesting free presentation, to explain more about how these techniques work.

Here, he describes such techniques as:

- Legally hiding money from the government and the IRS
- Keeping email communication totally secret with a strategy supposedly perfected by terrorists and cheating spouses
- Making sure a thief cannot use your credit card, even if it’s stolen
- The trick to beating facial recognition technology
- Legally generating tax-free income that you never have to report to the gov’t or anyone else.

And much, much, more.

Now please keep in mind: My friend is a little worried about what the authorities are going to say, when he makes this information public.

That’s why he agreed to be on camera for only about three minutes, and he insisted that we disguise his face as part of the process.

As he told me: “The ideas I want to share--while completely, 100% legal--will probably be considered unpatriotic at best… or perhaps even treasonous, to those in power. The last thing I want is to do is attract the attention of some neo-conservative organization or whacko liberal group. Or for the government to put my photo on one of their infamous ‘watch’ lists.”

I strongly encourage you to at least check out his 3-minute on-camera segment.

I feel pretty confident saying you have never seen anything quite like this before, and I’m sure it will be well worth your time.

It’s free of charge too, so check it out here.

Best regards,

Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, S&A Investment Research

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