Friday, March 29, 2013

The Looting of America

CAFR and the Looting of America

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We have been told that the government has debt in excess of 16 trillion dollars. We are told that we are currently spending 3.8 trillion dollars and only receive 2.5 trillion in tax revenue. We are not told that the income earned on invested assets exceeds by more than 60 trillion dollars. We are being told that we need to cut spending or increase taxes to balance our budget. By watching this video presentation you will discover that the government owns hundreds of trillions of dollars in stock in Fortune 500 Companies. The government is stealing the wealth of the American people and pretending that our government is deeply in debt. The tax revenue collected is not needed to fund the government, but it is needed to enslave the American people.
The government is a gigantic corporation that is the primary stockholder of the nations leading banks, insurance companies and Fortune 500 Companies. The investment income received by the Federal government is more than enough to pay off so called National Debt and to eliminate the need for any form of taxation.
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