By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Source: Veterans Today
Jesse Ventura’s television show, “Conspiracy Theory” has done
it again. Ventura has stumbled on a government program that many of us
have long heard whispers about.
Ventura interviews an fascinating group of scientists who tell of a massive conspiracy, hiding the capabilities to hide murders at will, destroy cities, even continents.
We now have to reassess shuttle disasters, several inexplicable airline crashes, certainly 9/11 and murders, not just of scientists who worked on directed ray projects but evidence from Iraq and Afghanistan that directed energy weapons have been used there.
This may well be one of the biggest secrets of all.
The key to it all is the Serbian inventor, Nicola Tesla, who claimed he invented a “death ray” over a hundred years ago. This would seem outrageous if he weren’t accepted as Einstein’s equal by most scientists and historians.
The electricity powering most of the world today was based on Tesla, not Edison.
Nearly everything we use is based on breakthroughs or stolen Tesla research. Tesla’s history is, in itself, one of the most mysterious and challenging aspects of modern history.
Where this goes, Ronald Reagan and his Star Wars program is now clear.
It succeeded, this is why we hear nothing, success beyond imagination, or as Ventura’s team calls it, “Tesla 2.0.”
The theories of Dr. Judy Wood are examined, who has long claimed that 9/11 was the result of the use of directed energy.
Also, Jesse Ventura abandons his belief in the “nano-thermite” theories espoused by some scientists who claim this material was the only possible means of causing the destruction seen at ground zero on 9/11/2001.
What is proven, here and finally, that the events of 9/11 were, without any doubt, a government conspiracy, one made possible by scientific breakthroughs that have turned America into something indescribable.
America spent over one trillion dollars to develop “after next generation” technology, one Reagan himself alludes to as “planetary protection” from a possible alien invasion.
What we got instead was pocket killing machines and the ability to cause natural disasters on command, any type, earthquakes, weather changes and, of course, terror attacks of any imaginable size that can never be investigated.
Then there are the murders, so many murders.
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