Monday, August 26, 2013

"Dark Rites and Rituals at the Bohemian Grove"


You read that correctly! DVD 11 is now Officially Released!!! After 3 months of work my Director, Cory Black, has finished his daunting task of putting DVD 11 through post-production.

DVD 11: "Dark Rites and Rituals at the Bohemian Grove", is two hours long with 7 major sections:

1) Introduction
2) Inside the Bohemian Grove
3) History of the Bohemian Grove
4) The Hidden Agenda of the Bohemian Grove
5) Signs and Symbols at the Bohemian Grove
6) The Cremation of Care Ritual
7) Power brokers of the Bohemian Grove

"Dark Rites and Rituals at the Bohemian Grove" sells for $19,95 + $5.00 for shipping and handling.

Needless to say everyone, I am so excited to present this new DVD to each of you, especially those of you who donated the money to create this brand new DVD. For me, it really is a true joy and pleasure to make this announcement. And I pray that those of you who buy this DVD and goes through it carefully, will write me back and let me know what you "honestly" think of it.

I am going to make this same announcement throughout next week because a lot of folks have told me that past announcements have ended up in their "Spam Boxes". So, for their sakes, and I ask each of you to please be patient with me in this, I will be repeating this announcement, until the end of next week.

Should you wish to make a purchase over the phone, please call: 402-228-9476 and I will personally help you. And, if you wish to orders on-line, please use the "Donation Bar" above and let me know that you're make a "Donation" in the amount of $24.95 for DVD 11. I will need you folks, who wish to pay by credit card, to do it like that until we can have DVD 11 posted up on this web site and on Amazon. And, please, make sure to put in your full address and a contact phone number just in case.

  It is a God Thing production 

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