Sunday, February 23, 2014

I Support Honesty in Government

I Support Honesty in Government and the rights we were granted under the Constitution and Bill of Rights

Petition published by William M. Windsor on Feb 19, 2012
2658 Signatures 
Target: Every American Citizen

Petition Background (Preamble):

Our forefathers established this country with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that are supposed to provide us with fundamental rights. Every candidate for political office, every elected official, and every government employee should be willing to commit in writing to always defend our fundamental rights. Sadly, many do not -- people in all parties and people in no parties.
GRIP, the Government Reform & Integrity Platform, is a non-partisan coalition of organizations and people who simply seek honesty and our fundamental rights from government. This all that we stand for, and getting signatures from our fellow Americans will be used to send a message to every candidate, elected official, and government employee.

GRIP is also asking every candidate to sign a contract, and we ask every American voter to vote only for candidates who sign the Contract agreeing to always be honest and protect our fundamental rights.

We ask you to vote only for people who say they will be honest and remain accountable - regardless of party. Dishonesty is the fundamental problem with government today. We must all do something about it, and signing this petiiton is quick, easy, and important.


I Support Honesty in Government and the fundamental rights that our forefathers provided for us under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Dishonesty by candidates, elected officials, and government employees is unacceptable.

Judicial Corruption is unacceptable.

Government Corruption is unacceptable.
The I Support Honesty in Government and the rights we were granted under the Constitution and Bill of Rights petition to Every American Citizen was written by William M. Windsor and is in the category Government at GoPetition. Contact author here. Petition tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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