Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Introduction to American Nationalization; The treason of 1933.

Connecting the dots to the take over or management of what many call America has been a long time coming.  This site among many others tell the story plainly and with no shadow of doubt with the back up information of where it came from, etc....[inserted by editor ]

Introduction to American Nationalization; The treason of 1933.
We, in America, have a two mode government. One mode comes into play during times of peace. This mode operates under the Constitutional processes created and introduced by the founders.
The second mode applies during times of war. In this case, the Constitution is suspended and the government assumes a more direct military posture with highly restrictive provisions implemented in order to protect the safety of the public.   When the time of war is ended, the government is required to revert back to the first mode.
A time of national emergency was seamlessly added as well as the imposition of statute processes to add a system of enforcement to be administered under this martial process.
However, while this all sounds very good and certainly is consistent with protecting the people, the whole series of events were executed without the consent of the governed, and without full disclosure of the details.
In fact...the Congress of 1933, under the direction of FDR, Committed treason and nationalized America...The Congress overthrew the Constitutional Republic of the American people. America has been under the thumb of Communism since that time.
Listed below, is a numbered list to provide just the essential highlights of the steps involved in depriving the American people of their republic form of government. The current form of government, is not the lawful government of the American people.
The current government is comprised of a privately owned foreign corporation owned by the British Crown. The current type of government is called “de facto.”
The de facto government is not the lawful form of government guaranteed the people by the Constitution. The de facto government operates through the threat of the imposition of force, coercion and intimidation. The Congress in 1933 unlawfully imposed twisted, deceptive and unlawful legislation to mislead and fool the American people.
As you review this material which exposes the crimes of the previous members of government, consider all of the members of government, since 1933, have had more than enough time to expose and correct these abuses. By not doing so, those currently holding public office, regardless of their unlawful status, are at the minimum, guilty of misprision of Felony. However, misprision is a minimum.
Citizens are beginning to file charges of this type against current representatives who would appear to be impersonating public officers. This is a felony.   Additionally it also appears they are also committing fraud against the people, in violating their oath of office, a contract with the people, breaching their fiduciary responsibilities, and for taking compensation under false pretenses
Just some of the diabolical and twisting manipulations that were applied to the American system of government before the Communist coup was completed under the watchful eye and helping hands of FDR.
  1. 1863, Lincoln first took office
  2. Incorporated the "Lieber code"
  3. Established a shadow government
  4. Lincoln's imposed martial law
  5. A Military, form of government was imposed
  6. The emergency powers Act was implemented
  7. The Lieber code enabled the facade of Constitutional compliance and gave free reign to those who thereafter considered Constitutional restraints bothersome.
  8. Future Presidents became more comfortable and apt to incorporate emergency powers until its full understanding meant acceptance of the concept of duality in government.
  9. Wilson implements and codifies extra Constitutional acts.
  10. The ernest effort to weaken the publicly visible Constitutional restrictions in order to strengthen the shadow power brokers
  11. Central banking became reality
  12. Early 1900’s, bankers began their cyclic manipulations of both money and the Stock Market.
  13. FDR, took office in March of 1933.
  14. Next, National Bankruptcy was announced along with
  15. the banking holiday closings,
  16. Proclamations 2039 and 2040 of emergency powers.
  17. allowing Bankers to steal the Gold and Silver from America
  18. replaced "Greenbacks" with fiat currency without actually removing them all from circulation.
  19. When bankers began to complain that people were trying to cash those greenbacks for long gone Gold and Silver,
  20. FDR declared those people, citizens all, enemies of the State.
  21. next order of business was to fundamentally change the structure of government.
  22. This was done by enacting laws, all done under emergency powers that hence forth and to this day remain in effect.
  23. He stacked the Supreme Court so they would uphold the ABA's work of establishing a new law form.
  24. No longer based on Common law. The Uniform Commercial Code, Statutory and Administrative Law now began the legal shift from us being a Constitutionally based Republic to a commercial enterprise
  25. they now called a Constitutional Democracy.
  26. The word games employed by the BAR Attorneys is another story for another time.
  27. This high Treason transformation remains in full force today with the current occupant of the White House using his emergency powers at a level that even causes his Communist and Islamic handlers to blush.
  28. we were conquered and clueless to realize it.
  29. That is and has been their plan since at least the turn of the 20th century.
  30. Gaining control of Hollywood and the media was already accomplished before Wilson was elected.
  31. Control of Education began with social programs being implemented
  32. the final two pieces of the puzzle involved buying off God's earthly representatives.., the Churches, through 501c Corporations
  33. and finally, destroying the family structure by making it impossible to survive on a one family income.
  34. FDR also updated the the WW1 Trading with the enemies act to now included all US citizens,
  35. FDR formally declared us, USA citizens, enemies of the State which means they are at war with us.
  36. everything stated is backed up with citations in the artificially created and imposed, system of statues referred to those within this criminally operated system as “law.”
  37. it is fraud upon the People
  38. Does it constitute treason? YES.
  39. Can we reverse it? Perhaps but thinking that can happen from within has no basis in reality.
  40. The answer remains. Implementing a Common law court
Further Details posted on scannedretina.com web site. 1933 – The treason of the government exposed
Arnie Rosner
714-964-4056 Please feel free to call at anytime - 24/7

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