New post on Scanned Retina Resource
by arnierosner
Proposed document to be distributed with timely updates
Provost Marshal General of the United States Army
Incumbent:MG David E. Quantock Since: September 28, 2011 |
TO: General David E. Quantock,
the Commanding General, of
the U.S. Army
Criminal Investigation Command (CID),
in his official capacity as Provost Marshal General
Dear General Quantock,
On behalf of the American people, as one of the people, I am reaching out to you and at the same time, demonstrating to the
rest of the world, that, "We the people," come in peace and mean no
harm. This is even though we recognize that in the eyes of this de
facto government, "We the People," are all classified as "Enemies of the
We also mean to demonstrate
our sincere intent to resolve the imposition of tyranny by the
impostors who, through, deception, are unlawfully, impersonating
officers of a de facto government. A foreign controlled corporation
being falsely represented as the lawful government of the American
General Quantock, you can consider the American people as friends and allies.
the federation’s top peace keeper, the documented behavior below offers
proof to many of us that America is under the control of a foreign
power; the British Empire. As the people, we are at a loss for any
other explanation which adequately describes the abuse heaped upon
no American government of the people, for the people and by the people
would act against their citizens in this manner. No government
comprised of true American representatives of the American people, would
permit all Americans to be designated as an, “Enemies of the State.”
1933, we are told the Constitution was suspended and FDR by the role of
necessity, issued proclamations 2038, 2039 and 2040. It was during
this same period, an amendment was made to the trading with the enemies
act of 1917. This act had previously excluded American citizens, But
now, as of amended version of 1933...included all Americans.
objective of this amendment seems to have cleverly removed the standing
of any American citizen to bring court action against the government,
to remove these unconstitutional manipulations. this assured that this
constitutional abuse could not be easily reversed.
of over 100 attempts to challenge Mr. Obama’s unlawful usurpation of
the office of president would seem to bear credence to this notion.
Many of the judicial rulings declared the citizens, challenging Mr.
Obama’s eligibility, did not have, “standing.” to bring such court
action. How utterly amazing! What a coincidence.
more interesting aspect of the fancy footwork involved in amending the
(TWTEA) legislation, from 1917, was to make the unbelievable stretch,
that a national emergency, designated as such by the president, alone,
was equivalent to an act of war.
also conveniently, provided the Congress with an excuse to discharge
its duties by abdicating the People’s delegated authority to the
president. This was supposedly authorized under the War Powers Act. To
any reasonable person, this is more evidence of the intent and the
existence of a bona-fide conspiracy to defraud the American people.
was by the myriad of constitutional abuses, that FDR seized all the
gold and somewhat later all of the silver from all citizens. This was
done under the guise to prevent hoarding. However it can be
illustrated, that the gold and silver stolen from the people was later
sold at a profit and the proceeds from the transactions were not
deposited to the benefit of the people from which it was stolen.
Other research indicates, the Constitution has never been restored.
seeking an answer to this point, we find that cleverly, built into this
spate of shadowy legislation, was the ability of the president to
extend a previously called national emergency, by simply posting a
notice in the federal registry.
Obama, had issued one as recent as, March 14, 2014. Thus general, we have learned that America has been under various states of emergency since 1933. That is over 81 years.
you, as well as I, know that no reasonable person could accept that the
United States of America was in a continuous state of national
emergency for over 81 years. Yet, we as the American people, are
expected to accept that our lawful elected representatives are prepared
to overlook this obvious constitutional abuse of power.
general, that just is not possible. And it leads many of us to
conclude that the Congress and consequently the rest of the government
is not the government of the American people.
in turn confirms the conclusion in the minds of many Americans that
indeed, in 1933, through a series of criminal acts based on deception,
with the help of FDR, the British Empire, very likely in the name of the
Queen, conducted a bloodless coup d’état and unlawfully captured the
government of the American people through unconstitutional means.
Please hold this thought… And let us continue…
funny thing about the Constitution, which has never been restored, is
that Obama, uses it to justify his authorization to create the numerous
executive orders, for which he has become well known.
Just as curious, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has revealed to me personally, that the Constitution exists and is in full power. U. S. Senator Confirms the U.S. Constitution is in Effect!
general, I’m just an ordinary citizen, but even to me sir, I am
convinced, that the affordable health care act was a deliberate and
total fraud upon the people; a blatant unconstitutional act of coercion.
Evidence of this concern,
can be found within the document at the following link:
This information reveals that the Congress violates its own rules. Notice the highlighted term, “must.” The use of the term “must” means without exception.
no record of any confirmation that the bill was confirmed as meeting
constitutional requirements before it was even submitted.
practices by members of Congress, revealed other constitutional abuses
routinely violated as a normal course of doing business. The question
that arises in my mind general, is whose business?
A further example of openly admitted abuse of the Constitution can be found in the following clip:
American people, just by virtue of being alive and in America, are the
ultimate arbiters and authority. It is the American people who are the
only lawful power by which governments are created, and based upon
historical record and documents, claim we have lawfully created the
government of the American people.
general, many Americans are now confronted with indications that the
government being represented to Americans as our government is no such
thing. Instead general, we are presented with the illusion, that the
government we are asked to accept as the government of the American
people, is in reality a corporate agency posing as the government of the
American people but controlled by the Queen.
General, it appears you are working for the Queen. But this matter shall be further clarified below. Please read on....
For the sole purpose of providing the safety and security of all
American citizens, the founders even went so far as to create a
Constitution. A trade agreement by which the government creature, a
creation of the people, was limited to specifically enumerated powers
and authorities. However, General Quantock, by delegating some of these
powers, the American people never yielded their sovereignty. But then,
general, you know all of this. In fact, you swore a sacred oath to
protect and defend this very document; the Constitution of the United
submissions directed to your attention, record the many attempts which
have been made to resolve issues of abuse by public officers with no
success. Even in the matter below, it appears the Clark County Sheriff
has so far, violated his oath of office and based on the law, should be
charged and prosecuted for dereliction of duties and violation of his
oath. Violating one’s oath is an act of committing perjury,
insurrection and rebellion against the supreme law of our Federation.
is also my understanding that those public officials of Clark County
who have made no effort to protect Mr. Bundy, et al, under provisions of
the federal Constitution, 9th and 10th Amendments, regarding
over-reaching of the federal government, may also be culpable.
The question that begs to be asked?
"Exactly why would the elected officials of Clark County, not act to protect one of their constituents?"
They took the same constitutional oath as you general… Therefore the
accountability for the public safety would be very similar to yours.
You may find, as I did, what may be the answer to that question In the following paragraph. Please read on.
General, in investigating further it appears that the state government of Nevada, in colluding with some of the federal government agents and agencies which are also also strongly controlled by the conquerors of America. Some citizens are now referring to this distinction as reporting to the Queen, But putting that aside, the following link would convince me that all of my speculations expressed above merit serious consideration. Almost any citizen of Nevada might realize the strong conflict of interest revealed in the following association:
is impossible for many of us, speaking as one of the people, to explain
the conduct of public servants of the people, park rangers, at the link
General Quantock, as already established, you are the top peace keeper in America. Your authority transcends all other authority in maintaining the peace and tranquility to which all Americans have expectations of a Constitutional guarantee.Based on the responsibilities of your office, your role is clear--- when all other flavors of civil authorities fail to respond to lawful and reasonable demands from the people. You are to take steps to establish order and to provide for public safety.
the assumptions above are correct then the acts of oppression are not
acts of an American government but by the agency of the Queen. As a
result America has no government. With no government representing the
people then under the law of necessity, we must act "Under our own Authority as the People," in a manner consistent with the declaration of independence and form our own government.
this is where you come in General, in the interest of establishing a
strong and reliable relationship with the agency which bears the
original responsibility of our creation, the United States Army, and
speaking just for myself at this point, I am confident there are some
citizens who would be more than willing to meet with the appropriate
members of the American military forces to map out plans to peacefully
resolve this dilemma and peacefully restore the Constitutional mandated
de jure government of the American people. The only true and legitimate
government of the American people.
Respectfully submitted for your review and action.
My compliments sir.
Arnie Rosner
A person is judged by how well they honor those to whom a promise was made.
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