The Constitution Club
Snakes are cold blooded
animals that don't have a backbone. They speak with a forked tongue and
they have no balls. Politicians are like the proverbial snakes in the
grass just waiting to line their pockets at our expense.
They are masters of deception and lawyers tend to make perfect politicians since they have been trained to lie, cheat and steal.
With liberty comes the responsibility to use the brain that God gave us to draw our own conclusions. When we trust the judgment of others we become their subjects.
Those that seek to control us, first attempt gain our confidence so that we will allow them to do our thinking for us.
They tell us what we want to hear and in the process they bait their hook to get us to swallowing their words hook, line and sinker.
In order to be free, we must learn the correct principles so that we can distinguish fact from fiction.
Trusting a self proclaimed called Patriot that is paid thousands of dollars for making a public appearances is like hiring a prostitute.
The true patriots are not paid performers that simply masquerade as patriots while they line their pockets with our hard earned money.
We have been told that the love of money is the root of all evil and unfortunately many of our spokesmen we have put of pedestals are motivated by greed rather that the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility. Just like prostitutes they are paid to perform.
They are masters of deception and lawyers tend to make perfect politicians since they have been trained to lie, cheat and steal.
With liberty comes the responsibility to use the brain that God gave us to draw our own conclusions. When we trust the judgment of others we become their subjects.
Those that seek to control us, first attempt gain our confidence so that we will allow them to do our thinking for us.
They tell us what we want to hear and in the process they bait their hook to get us to swallowing their words hook, line and sinker.
In order to be free, we must learn the correct principles so that we can distinguish fact from fiction.
Trusting a self proclaimed called Patriot that is paid thousands of dollars for making a public appearances is like hiring a prostitute.
The true patriots are not paid performers that simply masquerade as patriots while they line their pockets with our hard earned money.
We have been told that the love of money is the root of all evil and unfortunately many of our spokesmen we have put of pedestals are motivated by greed rather that the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility. Just like prostitutes they are paid to perform.
- ...and like cold blooded animals political prostitutes get most of their energy from the outside, except the sun is a cold blooded animal's major controller or "brain", that's why cold blooded animals don't have one, they are God's creatures and pose no danger whatsoever to We The People, on the contrary they filter and clean all natural weaknesses and waste.
Today's politicians are no comparison, their so called brain is "warmed" above all by money (hence factual understanding and information is secondary and in time contradictory) and that's how their heart gets "warmed"... similar to reverse osmosis; the contaminated brain becomes the driving force for the body... eventually many of us, or larger portion of We The People, that are barely strong enough to resist the effects of "that contamination" become angry enough to act not unlike God's other creatures going after a chicken, the problem is this chicken is deceptive, by the time they realize where SHTF is coming from the chicken has a dinosaur for a body guard ...and there are some of us, or the smaller portion of We The People, who recognize those symptoms soon enough to step on the artificially powered chicken way before it becomes an artificially powered dinosaur... the one and only solution is to keep artificial ingredients (or money) out of the chicken soup.
Money is the FUEL for the root of all evil, greed is it's first symptom!
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