Thursday, May 8, 2014


By NWV News Writer Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
April 2, 2014
© 2014

Unborn, stillborn and miscarried babies were treated like firewood by hospitals in Merry Old England, according to reports in the United Kingdom.
A British newspaper broke a shocking news story regarding a National Healthcare Service (NHS) program that used the bodies of untold thousands of babies, who were aborted or died as a result of a miscarriage, became fuel for heating hospitals in Great Britain, yet the U.S. media ignored it. 

Ten upper-echelon members of British government's socialist healthcare directorate told the BBC's Channel 4 that "burning foetal remains alongside other rubbish while two others used the bodies in ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat."
When the story broke in the United Kingdom -- and in a few U.S. news websites -- the British Department of Health immediately notified the outraged British people that Dr. Dan Poulter, the nation's health minister, had banned heating hospitals or any other facilities with the remains of unborn babies. 

"This is criminal! What is going through the minds of these people? Are they taking lessons on fetus disposal from the Nazis?" asked an angry American homicide detective, Michael Snopes.

"Whether one of pro-choice or pro-life, this is a story that should turn our collective stomachs," he said.
"I guarantee you that they are not doing that to Muslim Babies" said editor Paul Walter
At remains of over 15,000 unborn children have been incinerated by the London-based NHS between 2011 and 2014, Channel 4’s show "Dispatches" claims.
The show's producers said that they "found that parents who lose children in early pregnancy were often treated without compassion and were not consulted about what they wanted to happen to the remains." 

As an example of what many are calling a "barbaric practice," the British news media examined their country’s largest hospital, Cambridge's Addenbrooke Medical Center. It's believed Addenbrooke heated their hospital, including its maternity ward, with the incinerated bodies of close to 800 babies as part of the hospital's energy-conservation policy. If a mother asked about the body of her miscarried baby, she would be told it was cremated.

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“This practice is totally unacceptable,” said Poulter to Channel 4.
“While the vast majority of hospitals are acting in the appropriate way, that must be the case for all hospitals and the Human Tissue Authority has now been asked to ensure that it acts on this issue without delay,” he added.

NHS's Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh upon hearing about the breaking story contacted all NHS trusts that this "practice must stop!" 

The news show's host, Actress Amanda Holden, in the past "suffered both a stillbirth and a miscarriage but was helped through the trauma by caring treatment from compassionate professionals, as are many parents." 

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