Here is an article by about questions about the current
Ebola incident that should be answered by the authorities.
George McSwain
I am not sure if I sent this on the earlier email with feedback data: Sorry if I did that.
Here is an article that says that the secret "developmental serum" that the two Americans with Ebola received was derived from genetically modified tobacco plants grown in Owensboro, Kentucky.
George McSwain Please skip the top video as it is an ad for prepping. Go further down to get to the actual article.
Notice it is from an anonymous doctor:
In addition, the molecule size of the water that the CS is mixed with will also have an impact on its effectiveness. I would guess that if CS were mixed with Way-Back Water, which has water molecule sizes 1000X smaller than the molecules of the water that comes out of the tap, it would be very effective. I have not had occasion to try this.
I have a 4-Oz bottle of CS at 1000 PPM in my collection and won't hesitate to use it for anything that it can help.
I also have an automatic CS generation system, but I have it loaned out to one of my friends who wanted to make up quite a bit of it to have just in case of a pandemic. He made up several gallons of CS solution using my system. On set of electrodes will make more than 30 gallons of CS solution, so it is not that expensive for the consumable silver electrodes.
My system allows you to choose the PPM concentration and it will automatically cut off when that concentration has been reached. I think that the range on this system was from about 5 PPM to about 100 PPM, if my memory serves me correctly.
Several years ago, I had an employee about my age who had been bothered by a sinus infection and a hacking cough for about 2 years who used CS on my recommendation and within about 3 days the problems that he was having went away permanently.
I have personally had very good success using Colloidal Silver internally and externally for a variety of ailments. If I can get it, I prefer to buy the 1000 PPM or 500 PPM CS solutions rather than the weaker concentrations, because it is cheaper to buy this way and then dilute it down to the PPM that is needed at the time of usage.
The specific concentration of CS that they said was effective against Ebola virus was 10 PPM, which is well within the range of concentrations that can be purchased at a health food store.
George McSwain
I am not sure if I sent this on the earlier email with feedback data: Sorry if I did that.
Here is an article that says that the secret "developmental serum" that the two Americans with Ebola received was derived from genetically modified tobacco plants grown in Owensboro, Kentucky.
George McSwain Please skip the top video as it is an ad for prepping. Go further down to get to the actual article.
Notice it is from an anonymous doctor:
This is a lengthy article, DO NOT SURFACE READ. The actual
treatment for Ebola which will virtually eliminate fatalities, as revealed by a
doctor who has worked with Ebola, is below.
Consider this: The elite would never release a plague
without an easy cure, and along with this Ebola outbreak an American
bio-warfare firm has been working in Sierra Leon for the last five years.
Google that. Sierra Leon has actually identified them as the perpetrators of
this outbreak and kicked them out of the country. There is absolutely no doubt
this outbreak was intentionally caused.
And if it is intentional, a cure is known. There would simply be no
other way to do business.
Here is the treatment, complete with MOA. This is a
treatment and not a cure, your immune system wipes out the virus, and the
treatment gives your immune system time to do it.
Here is what Ebola does that is fatal: It causes the complete removal of all vitamin C from the body. No one actually knows what mechanism is involved in doing this, other than a malfunction that is not permanently destructive to whatever is triggered to remove all vitamin C. All the researchers know is that vitamin C drops to zero and all the symptoms of Ebola are consistent with a complete loss of vitamin C.
Here is what Ebola does that is fatal: It causes the complete removal of all vitamin C from the body. No one actually knows what mechanism is involved in doing this, other than a malfunction that is not permanently destructive to whatever is triggered to remove all vitamin C. All the researchers know is that vitamin C drops to zero and all the symptoms of Ebola are consistent with a complete loss of vitamin C.
How do I know this? A doctor who has remained anonymous and
has worked with Ebola victims has discovered this and sent it. This doctor did not just copy paste. THE TREATMENT FOR EBOLA WHICH WILL PREVENT
From an anonymous doctor:
"The very first symptoms of Ebola are exactly the same
as scurvy, which is caused by inadequate vitamin C. Though scurvy is seldom
fatal as a primary condition, scurvy also represents only a partial deficiency
of vitamin C, the body still has a LOT of vitamin C compared to zero, which
Ebola causes. Absent ANY vitamin C, blood vessels become very weak and start to
lose blood, and platelets become ineffective and unable to trigger clots. So
death by Ebola is caused by massive internal bleeding and loss of blood, which
can be stopped simply by taking enormous doses of vitamin C until the immune
system succeeds in killing off the virus."
Ebola is probably the best known of a class of viruses known
as hemorrhagic fever viruses. In fact, Ebola virus was initially recognized in
1976. Other less known but related viral syndromes include yellow fever, dengue
hemorrhagic fever, Rift Valley fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Kyasanur
Forest disease, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome,
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever, Brazilian
hemorrhagic fever, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, and
Lassa fever. The Ebola virus infection, also known as African hemorrhagic
fever, has the distinction of having the highest case-fatality rate of the
viral infections noted above, ranging from 53% to 88%.
These viral hemorrhagic fever syndromes share certain
clinical features. The Cecil Textbook of Medicine notes that these diseases are
characterized by capillary fragility, which translates to easy bleeding, that
can frequently lead to severe shock and death.
These diseases also tend to consume and/or destroy the platelets, which play an integral role in blood clotting. The clinical presentation of these viral diseases is similar to scurvy, which is also characterized by capillary fragility and a tendency to bleed easily. Characteristic skin lesions develop, which are actually multiple tiny areas of bleeding into the skin that surround the hair follicles, and in some cases even include bleeding into already healed scars.
These diseases also tend to consume and/or destroy the platelets, which play an integral role in blood clotting. The clinical presentation of these viral diseases is similar to scurvy, which is also characterized by capillary fragility and a tendency to bleed easily. Characteristic skin lesions develop, which are actually multiple tiny areas of bleeding into the skin that surround the hair follicles, and in some cases even include bleeding into already healed scars.
In the classic form of scurvy that evolves very slowly from
the gradual depletion of vitamin C body stores, the immune system will be
sufficiently compromised for infection to claim the patient’s life before the
extensive hemorrhage that occurs after all vitamin C stores have been
completely exhausted. Ebola virus and the other viral hemorrhagic fevers are
much more likely to cause hemorrhaging before any other fatal infection has a
chance to become established. This is because the virus so rapidly and totally
metabolizes and consumes all available vitamin C in the bodies of the victims
that an advanced stage of scurvy is literally produced after only a few days of
the disease.
The scurvy is so complete that the blood vessels generally
cannot keep from hemorrhaging long enough to allow an infective complication to
develop. Also, the viral hemorrhagic fever typically only take hold and reach
epidemic proportions in those populations that would already be expected to
have low body stores of vitamin C, such as is found in many of the severely
malnourished Africans. In such individuals, an infecting hemorrhagic virus will
often wipe out any remaining vitamin C stores before the immune systems can get
the upper hand and initiate recovery. When the vitamin C stores are rapidly
depleted by large infecting doses of an aggressive virus, the immune system
gets similarly depleted and compromised. However, this point is largely
academic after hemorrhaging throughout the body has begun.
To date, no viral infection has been demonstrated to be
resistant to the proper dosing of vitamin C as classically demonstrated by
Klenner. However, not all viruses have been treated with Klenner-sized vitamin
C doses, or at least the results have not been published. Ebola viral infection
and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers appear to be diseases that fall
into this category. Because of the seemingly exceptional ability of these
viruses to rapidly deplete vitamin C stores, even larger doses of vitamin C
would likely be required in order to effectively reverse and eventually cure
infections caused by these viruses.
Cathcart (1981), who introduced the concept of bowel
tolerance to vitamin C discussed earlier, hypothesized that Ebola and the other
acute viral hemorrhagic fevers may well require 500,000 mg of vitamin C daily
to reach bowel tolerance! Whether this estimate is accurate, it seems clear as
evidenced by the scurvy-like clinical manifestations of these infections that
vitamin C dosing must be vigorous and given in extremely high doses. If the
disease seems to be winning, then even more vitamin C should be given until
symptoms begin to lessen. Obviously, these are viral diseases that would
absolutely require high doses of vitamin C intravenously as the initial
therapy. The oral administration should begin simultaneously, but the
intravenous route should not be abandoned until the clinical response is
complete. Death occurs too quickly with the hemorrhagic fevers to be
conservative when dosing the vitamin C. (from Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable by
Thomas E. Levy MD JD)
I may not be a doctor, but I am awfully good with medical
topics, and this rings 100 percent true, IT IS THE MOA which if combined with
some of my medical knowledge, such as the fact that Broccoli is absolutely
excellent for assisting the clotting of blood, that the active component of
Noni (which is in pineapple juice) is strongly anti viral, and that cures such
as colloidal silver, while good for bacterial infections does nothing for
viruses, combine some real knowledge with what this doctor says and it is
highly probable that Ebola can be shrugged off as a mild case of scurvy.
Beware the current Colloidal Silver psy op. Colloidal silver is great stuff, and I have
made gallons from a 1 ounce silver bar myself. It works great for curing
BACTERIAL infections and making water safe to drink without the nasty taste of
All curative agents have a mode of action, or MOA. And if
anyone posting medical cures does not know the MOA, they have no idea what they
are talking about. Colloidal silver has an MOA that has been known for many
decades, yet recently Google has been rigged to bury it with only articles
stating "the MOA is being explored and we think it is ___(then
disinfo)" and there has to be a reason why this is being done right now,
at this point in time with Ebola running amok.
Here is how colloidal silver actually works (its MOA), with
first an example: Colloidal silver is to bacteria what cyanide is for all red
blooded organisms. In red blooded organisms, cyanide binds with hemoglobin in
place of oxygen, and makes it impossible for blood to carry oxygen. With enough
cyanide, oxygen starvation via cyanide bonded hemoglobin causes death.
Colloidal silver does the same for bacteria, it binds with
the oxygen carriers in bacteria permanently, causing bacteria to quickly die
from oxygen starvation. This is the MOA for colloidal silver, which has been
clearly known practically forever.
EBOLA, do not let the misinformed in the alternative media fool you by saying
colloidal silver is effective against viruses in any way, colloidal silver is
only useful for treating secondary bacterial infections that move in after a
proceeding viral infection and in the case of Ebola, there is not enough time
for that to make a difference.
It is extremely important to note that a HUGE psy op is
underway to fake colloidal silver as a cure for viruses and there HAS TO BE A
REBUTTALWith regard to how effective Colloidal Silver is, the
smaller the silver particles the better it works. Without knowing the
relative particle size that the person who slammed it was using, it is
impossible to say why it did not work for them. If they were making
their own with a primitive solution making system that does not control
the particle size, that could have been the reason. If they bought it at
the store and did not do the research on what size the silver particles
were, that could have been a problem. Some commercial brands of CS are
better than others. If they were buying on price alone without regard
to particle size or quality, that could have been a problem.In addition, the molecule size of the water that the CS is mixed with will also have an impact on its effectiveness. I would guess that if CS were mixed with Way-Back Water, which has water molecule sizes 1000X smaller than the molecules of the water that comes out of the tap, it would be very effective. I have not had occasion to try this.
I have a 4-Oz bottle of CS at 1000 PPM in my collection and won't hesitate to use it for anything that it can help.
I also have an automatic CS generation system, but I have it loaned out to one of my friends who wanted to make up quite a bit of it to have just in case of a pandemic. He made up several gallons of CS solution using my system. On set of electrodes will make more than 30 gallons of CS solution, so it is not that expensive for the consumable silver electrodes.
My system allows you to choose the PPM concentration and it will automatically cut off when that concentration has been reached. I think that the range on this system was from about 5 PPM to about 100 PPM, if my memory serves me correctly.
Several years ago, I had an employee about my age who had been bothered by a sinus infection and a hacking cough for about 2 years who used CS on my recommendation and within about 3 days the problems that he was having went away permanently.
I have personally had very good success using Colloidal Silver internally and externally for a variety of ailments. If I can get it, I prefer to buy the 1000 PPM or 500 PPM CS solutions rather than the weaker concentrations, because it is cheaper to buy this way and then dilute it down to the PPM that is needed at the time of usage.
The specific concentration of CS that they said was effective against Ebola virus was 10 PPM, which is well within the range of concentrations that can be purchased at a health food store.
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