Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The King is Coming! Are you ready?

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Dear Friend,

The King is Coming!

The world is rapidly coming to an end. We are seeing testimony to the fulfillment of what God teaches us in the book of Revelation almost every day.

“Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him…”
                                                                                                Revelation 1:7

Please hear me my friend, do you know Jesus? You might say, “Pastor, I have done this...” Listen, there is not one single sin God will not forgive! If it were not for the grace of God, I would have nothing to say. Call our toll-free 24-hour line 866-899-9673 and settle it now! Do you know how serious this is? I do not want you to be left behind.
As you give a gift of any amount to The Encouraging Word this month, I will send you Series 3: The King is Coming! Revelation, End of the Story a two-message set available on one DVD or two CDs. This powerful message covers the entire Book of Revelation. You will be able to understand what God was saying through Jesus Christ, using John as His instrument, that must soon take place before the second coming of Christ.

Also, I have a special bonus gift to send you The Rapture, a two-message set on one CD. The Rapture of the Church is the final act of our Father’s incredible love—when Jesus comes in the clouds to gather His children and take them home. I am so excited to share this series with you!
I am also blessed to share that a friend of this ministry has offered another $100,000 Matching Challenge this year! Any gift you give today will be matched—dollar for dollar up to the challenge total of $100,000! What a wonderful blessing and provision from our Lord!

This powerful teaching of God’s Word on End Times will make an incredible legacy gift to give to your children, or grandchildren.

I have chosen to preach the TRUTH without compromise. My friend, The King is Coming! I am ready!
“Behold, I am coming soon…” Revelation 22:12

Your friend and pastor,
Don Wilton

P.S. Thank you for praying and giving towards our Matching Challenge! I hope to hear from you soon!

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