Thursday, February 19, 2015

Updated news as of 2/14/2015 through 2/19/2015

"All Hell is breaking loose" - One hour and 33 minute current day intel report update about our world by Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle

Christian friends/Pastors/Fathers and Mothers of all that matters....

I encourage you to take time to listen to this recent intel update from two Christian brothers in Christ Jesus. "Reality is stranger than fiction". You may be encouraged, scared, challenged, and many other emotions, but you will be told the truth in as much love as possible for the in your face current day reality told to you.

**By the way, the gold fringe flag in your church, along with the 501C3 status of any church of Jesus the Christ is two very quite things making the church of Christ to be held in chains from being all it can be for maximum power in the Lord at all times, in all days present and future. Unfortunately, this has been a strong hold to the body of Christ for many, many years, as a tyrannical government system has moved this into the church in increments until completed.

A note of just some of the dates of the take down of America's Constitutional Republic in increments are listed. Many mention the democracy of America. If you truly study what democracy is, it is divided into three segments. They involve "Mob" rule and leave the majority with out any say so. In a Constitutional Republic our forefathers gave us a democratic process to use, which is different that "Democracy".

These documented sources can be used to search the internet to explain deeper or verify what you are being shown.
  • Rome’s Coup d’etat, March 9, 1933; Emergency War Powers Invoked; De Facto Military Government Imposed;
  • Senate Report No. 93-549 (1973); “Emergency Powers Statutes;” Report on “Termination of National Emergency;”
  • CSR Report for Congress, 2001; National Emergency Powers; Four Primary Presidential Proclamations;
  • Hooven & Allison Co v. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945); Three Definitions of “United States;” 28 USC 3002; 4th Definition of “United States;”
  • Army Regulation 840-10; Military Colors; Gold-Fringed Flag; War Powers/Military Courtroom;
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act, March 9, 1933, War Powers Congress Approves and Confirms All Proclamations, Including 2039; De Facto Military Government Imposed
  • Proclamation 2040, March 9, 1933, Roosevelt Backed by EBRA Continues National Emergency Declared in Proclamation 2039; President now the Conqueror/Commander in chief
  • Documents and Statements Pertaining to Banking Emergency, February 25 to March 31, 1933;, Proclamation 2039, EBRA, Proclamation 2040
  • Word for Word Comparison Between The Trading With the Enemy Act (1917 And the Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933); EBRA brings TWEA into the United States
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act, March 9, 1933, Codified as Title 12 USC 95a & b; Based Upon Trading With the Enemy Act, Title 50 USC App. 5(b)
  • National Emergencies Act, 1976, Protects Emergenc
  • Proclamation 2039, March 6, 1933, Roosevelt Invokes Trading With the Enemy Act, All Registered Property Seized as Booty of War, The Sovereign People now the Conquered People
  • War Powers of De Facto Military Government Of the United States, Maintains 12 USC 95a and 50 USC App. 5(b)
  • National Bankruptcy, June 5, 1933, Payment of Gold Suspended for all “Persons” Under Proclamation 2040 & TWEA/EBRA, “Contracts Payable in Gold,” 1933
  • Permanent State of War, Proclamation 2039/2040; “A Special Report on the National Emergency in the United States of America,” Dr. Eugene Schroder, 1994
  • COMPARISON AND CONCLUSION, Private Citizen/Civilian Process; Public Citizen/ Martial Process De Jure Jurisdiction/De Facto Jurisdiction

Becoming a Pre-1933 private USA Citizen agent of the Public US Citizen Debtor Trust Transmitting Utility "Non-taxpayer "allows many things, and it is a work around keeping your hard earned Social Security you did not know you had say over, to have a private account instead, thus taking you out of being a corporate citizen by deception.

"All hell is breaking loose" Click here to listen.
*If you do not listen to the whole show you will short circuit the message.

A slap against Christ Jesus and the Trinity by Rome.

5 picks for the possible "now among us" Anti-Christ
  • BHO
  • Current Pope Francis
  • Current newly elected leader of Greece
  • Current leader of Turkey
  • The unknown candidate

What Motivates ISIS Terrorists?
Perhaps George Orwell said it best: ?He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.? Blueprints for the not-too-distant future can be found in the past, but the truth about our past and important history has been and continues to be carefully controlled… for a very specific and extremely important reason. This deliberate censure of history is a vital tactic of deception that has been constructed by men as the foundational narrative that will enable so many to be deceived about the coming anti-Christ. The reason that so many, even the very elect, if possible, will be deceived in the final age originates at the root of all history. It is this official narrative that acts as the basis of the coming deception, and will explain the reason behind the suppression of archaeological finds by those who control history. Exposing this suppression adds clarity and context to all of the wars, regional and global geopolitical maneuvers we've all read about in history books. More importantly, it explains the events we have witnessed during our own lifetime, and shines a spotlight on future events. It is that important. At the heart of the past actions that are ushering in the future globalist control exists rebellion against God. It is through this rebellion that the globalist control and will facilitate the ?alien deception,? thus fulfilling the prophecies of the prophets, the prophecies contained in the Book of Daniel and revealing the blueprints for the end of the age.

From a heart of love in Christ, and the courage to speak/share the truth. 


 The Noose Of Persecution Against Christians Who Reject Same-Sex Marriage Is Tightening

 by Donna Wasson

"A government that tells you what you can’t say is bad enough, but a government that tell you what you must say is terrifying."

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, ‘The servant is not greater than his lord.’ If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” John15:18-20 (KJV)

Washington State Benton County Superior Court Judge, Alex Ekstrom, has issued a summary judgment in the case against a Christian florist whose faith prevented her from providing service for a same-sex couple’s wedding. The case was set to go to trial in March, but the judge’s judgment serves as the final word. Basically, he has authorized the “personal ruin” of Barronelle Stutzman.

This ruling makes her personally liable for the claims against her, which places not only her business assets at risk but also her home and personal savings as well! World Net Daily reports that this reprobate judge ordered that the state as well as the sodomite plaintiffs, each of whom filed lawsuits, could collect damages and attorney’s fees from Stutzman.

Senior Counsel Kristen Waggoner, with the Alliance Defending Freedom stated, “The message of these rulings is unmistakable: The government will bring about your personal and professional ruin if you don’t help celebrate same-sex marriage.”

She reports the two men had plenty of other options in the marketplace, and even received offers of free flowers from other vendors. However, this wasn’t good enough for either Groom because Robert Ingersoll and his partner Curt Freed, sued Stutzman for politely refusing to engage in a business transaction that interfered with her faith.

Why do you never hear of these homosexual couples demanding wedding cakes or flower arrangements from MUSLIM business owners? Hmmmm?

Ironically, Ingersoll had bought flowers for his lover from Ms. Stutzman for years, and she was well aware they were a gay couple. The problem only surfaced when he asked her to arrange the flowers for their wedding. According to her deposition, she put her hands over his, and told him that she couldn’t “because of my relationship with Jesus Christ,” and because of her belief that marriage should only be between the opposite sex.

The State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, also sued based on details he learned in the news. According to arguments in the case, the state of Washington apparently believes the state’s statutory protections for sodomites trump the Constitution’s protection of religious liberty, even though the flower corporation was set up under a state law that protects personal assets except in cases of deception, theft or knowing fraud. None of these circumstances occurred in this case.

The defendant, Ms. Stutzman, said, “America would be a better place if citizens respected each other’s differences and the government still protected the freedom to have those differences. Instead, the government is coming after me and everything I have just because I won’t live my life the way the state says I should.”

She continues, “I just want the freedom to live and work faithfully and according to what God says about marriage without fear of punishment. Others have the freedom to say or not say what they want to about marriage and that’s all I’m asking for as well.”

Attorney Waggoner stated, “A government that tells you what you can’t say is bad enough, but a government that tell you what you must say is terrifying. The lesson from the court’s decisions is that you put your home, your family business, and your life savings at risk by daring to defy a government mandate that forces you to promote views you believe are wrong.”

Unfortunately, Judge Ekstrom’s summary judgment means he gets to decide the case one way or another without having witnesses testify or a jury trial. How convenient for the plaintiffs. Here’s the question of the day…

Why do you never hear of these homosexual couples demanding wedding cakes or flower arrangements from MUSLIM business owners? Hmmmm?

I propose someone set up a PayPal account for this sister in Christ, so donations can be made to help cover her court costs and the possible loss of her entire livelihood and home. I will be happy to donate the first $100.00 if someone will do that!

In the meantime, should anyone feel the need to express their opinion to the court, you can reach the judge at: office: 509.736.3071 fax: 509.736.3057

Maranatha, and fast!






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