Monday, May 11, 2015

Updates of our current day as of 5/10/2015

To my brothers and sisters in christ and any who have ears to hear and eyes to see,

In the day of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man.

We have been there for some time and yet the Lord of all continues to show mercy until he cannot anymore.
1.) Priest and Rabbi sing in the streets of Jerusalem

2.) Impostor Exposed: Kidnapped American ordered released! Private Court operation publicly exposed.

Posted on

3.) Apostate Pastor Rick Warren And Elton John Hold Hands In Congress, Joke About Kissing Each Other

by Geoffrey Grider

4.) **As "Jade Helm 2015** gets ready to roll out, whatever that means, I have seen the pictures and videos of many tanks and laser beam tanks that burn the skin inside out and tested at the lowest level on subjects. Not pretty. I saw video of them rolling up I-85 as well into Greenville, SC

5.) I am sending a brotherly reminder of the 501(c)(3) church status to all the churches of Jesus in South Carolina that I can. They are shown in no uncertain terms that the non
501(c)(3) church was what should have stayed in place ever since 1953-54. I have no replies yet other than to acknowledge they are a 501(c)(3) church, which is a government church. They, we have all been duped into Satan's lie, now having a ball and chain around the local church so that it cannot speak out against sin in the world, the nation, the state, the county, or the individual without breaking a rule from the status. The corporate government has tolerated the 1st amendment to continue the money fraud to the world and our nation. It goes on and on.

Has the generational church we are in, it's prayers only gone unanswered due to compromise, not breaking into the gates of Hell and taking truth to darkness to make it flew and diminish the power that is not? Is it any wonder we have not seen revival in our land since the early 1900's?

The Truth About Church Incorporation
Lord Jesus, come quickly, even now....
"God given knowledge is the key with application"
Hebrews 7:25 & I Thess. 5:25 in all things, and Jude 1:17-25

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