Saturday, October 10, 2015

Publishers update on 10/10/2015

Over the months since say this past summer forward, so much information of real news in the making was or is happening, this site has not posted for several reasons.


1.) Not because we want freedom loving people not to know it
2.) More so because of the enormous amount coming in and deciding what really to post.
3.) Many of the news stories have dove tailed back into the abyss of the method of     wickedness to try and tear apart the world and God's creation and all that is.       Thus, making it kind of hard as to what to share as not to depress but desiring to       inspire and give hope.  The most hope all of us can have in our opinion is in and       through Christ Jesus by having a personal relationship with him on a daily basis      that helps any one person stay in touch with true reality and the perspective of       living in this world, but doing our best to not be a part of it as partakers of evil       that would decay or lives.
4.) In conclusion, we have much to post for updates for those who may not have      sources to get the most up to date news from real true news sources that are not      controlled by megalomania. (a delusional mental disorder that is marked by      feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur) - given by merriam-webster      dictionary

Stay Tuned and God's speed to all.  Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is paramount. 

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