Thursday, January 28, 2021

 A fatty or toxic liver

This content today was going to have a video with it but the powers that be have taken it from the internet.

Thus, I learned from a nutritionist I know how to clean your liver gently, but efficient.  The cleaning will help your metabolism rise, and other things making your body feel much better.

Natural Remedy:

1.) Buy a jar of apple cider vinegar

2.) Buy some lemons

3.) Buy some Agave (pronounced A gav a)

4.) Mix together in a sixteen ounce glass 1/2 apple cider vinegar, 1/2 pure filtered water

5.) Cut a lemon in half and squeeze enough to taste the content with some Agave to get it to the point that it taste more citrus like than vinegar like.  When you get to that point, stir well and sip till it is all gone.

6.) Not long afterward you will need to go to the bathroom.

7.) You may go more than others.  Be careful as this will cleanse your liver.  

It has cleansed mine, and I will continue to use this method as no food today is 100% untainted.  You have to figure out how often to do this.

I trust this will improve your life greatly.


John Adams

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