Thursday, September 2, 2021

America's Front Line Doctors update

A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 58% of the American people view the news media as “the enemy of the people.”

Think about that a moment. The Enemy of the People.

It’s astonishing really, particularly in light of how they were once revered. In fact, the news media had so earned the reputation of keeping an honest account of the three branches of government, they were bestowed the lofty title, “The Fourth Estate.”

In light of this, we are not at all surprised at the newly published hit piece on AFLDS by Time Magazine and NBC News.

Time and NBC, supported by billions of advertising dollars from Big Pharma and Big Government, are maliciously attacking AFLDS’ solutions to the real problems people face, including….

• Offering alternative, cost-effective health solutions through our tele-med link that challenges the Big Government/Big Pharma narrative that only the shots and multiple follow up booster shots will protect people from Covid-19;

• Advocating for early treatment usage of ivermectin, proven to work across the globe, yet this scientific truth is suppressed by the same media attacking AFLDS; and,

• Proving, with the CDC’s own data, that vaccines will not protect people from delta and future variants, and have serious side effects, including death.

Our message directly contradicts Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Media, including the censors of Silicon Valley—Twitter, Facebook and Google.

You can read AFLDS’ full response to Time and NBC here.

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