Friday, May 3, 2013

VIRAL VIDEO ALERT - Censored DHS Whistleblower Speaks Out

This is not a drill - this woman needs our help - can I count on you again?
Linked below is probably the most DAMNING interview I have ever done.
So damning that after 60 MINUTES interviewed former DHS Officer Julia Davis - they never aired it... effectively blocking the truth from the American people... because it would destroy the "War on Terror" facade and expose how DHS is brutally abusing their authority.
In brief... this whistleblower speaks out on how DHS declared her a "Domestic Terrorist" then dispatched a Blackhawk Helicopter SWAT raid on her home because --- She was doing her job protecting the border... you just need to see this and spread it to the four corners of the earth WATCH HERE:
When CBS cowers in the face of a brutal truth - my team and I are there to get the story to the American people.
Please VIRALIZE this video - forward this email - post it and help us stand in the gap.
For Liberty,
Gary Franchi
Next News Network
America's First 24/7 Streaming Liberty News Network

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