Friday, May 3, 2013

Three Ways to Rid Your TV of Foul Language

Three Ways to Rid Your TV of Foul Language 

Are You Offended by Foul Language and Sexual References on TV?

You're not alone! Time Magazine reports 59% of Americans feel there is too much offensive language on TV. Here are three things you can do to protect you family from foul language on TV:
1. Eliminate the Offender! Many families have benefited from limiting TV viewing to family nights only...or taking a week or month off from TV...or even getting rid of TV altogether. Families in pre-TV days had more time for God and for each other, and it can be wonderfully refreshing to return to those days, even if only for a season.

2. Find Family-Friendly Shows. Many websites offer movie reviews for families and special recommendations for programs the whole family can enjoy together. Click here for a free copy of the guide 300 Family Friendly Films. [Link to be provided]

3. Get a Profanity-Filter for Your TV. AFA founder Don Wildmon recommends this option! TVGuardian is a tiny box you connect to your TV and it automatically filters out foul language. It even mutes profane references to the Deity. This option works well for those who want to watch TV shows and movies without having to be surprised by foul language. Click here to see this option and receive a Special AFA $20 Discount.
TV is a double-edged sword, with content that can be a curse or a blessing. We hope these tips help you turn it into a blessing!

I urge you: If you don't already have a profanity filter for your TV, get one for your home today! As an AFA supporter, you will get $20 off! And there are no monthly fees to pay!
Take a Look at the New TVGuardian Now!

Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

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