Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Update/request: Special Mission to Kenya, Africa: Feb. 18th, 2015 - in the name of Christ Jesus for his glory

Dear Friends, brothers and sisters in Christ alone, and those who love to see good things happen for people to help make the world a little brighter:

I have a dear friend and brother in Christ who I have known for about 26 years. His name is Danny Gilbert, now residing in California for a specific reason in ministry. He is from Atlanta and Florida, and comes from a Godly family.

The Lord Jesus has had and does have His hand on Danny, his wife MaryBeth, and their daughter whom they adopted. Below is a link to the ministry Danny has been called to during the times we are now experiencing.

As you may well know by watching the news and the signs of the times, Africa is not, or seems to be a difficult place to survive and is the only continent left with no debt ridden liabilities, even though much of the nation is considered poor.

Danny and team needs to raise $12,000 by Feb. 12th, 2015 for the following reasons.

  • Continuation of teaching Pastors/Teachers that travel a long distance when Danny and Team arrives to preach and teach the gospel across Africa.
  • Help continue to build wells for accessible water on
  • Help continue to cloth those in many village daily basis

There is a $6,000 matching gift available for this project now also. Any gift will help toward the goal and of course will be of great help in this special ministry. Gifts can be given via Pay Pal on line at
http://empowered-living.org/, or send a gift by mail to
the street address on the above web page.

Would you consider sending this to friends you know that would receive this in the correct spirit?
Yours in Christ Jesus alone,
John Mark Adams

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